Eye On Horror

Scream VI Minisode

iHorror Season 6

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Wet your whistles before a new episode next week with a special Minisode! This time, the boys discuss the latest installment in the Scream franchise: SCREAM VI! WARNING! The boys go deep into spoiler territory, so if you haven't seen Scream VI, don't listen! If you have, or don't mind spoils (weirdo) listen to see if you are Team Jay or Team Correia on *****REDACTED*****. Its all new on a brand new minisode of Eye on Horror! 


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The Boys:


Jonathan Correia:

Did We nail it?

James Jay Edwards:

Welcome to the Eye On Horror minisode about Scream 6

Jacob Davidson:

Ghostface takes Manhattan

James Jay Edwards:

Ghostface takes Manhattan, haha yes. Get get ready for round one because Correia and I have already promised a heavyweight fight on this one

Jonathan Correia:

oh maybe I don't know about that

James Jay Edwards:

maybe I don't know maybe we maybe we will agree on what maybe we misunderstood each other before but anyway let's start with the beginning Samara weaving can

Jonathan Correia:

oh my godness

Jacob Davidson:


James Jay Edwards:

She is a legit screen queen now but see this is the cool thing about this

Jonathan Correia:

first of all she earned that title with ready or not

Jacob Davidson:

yeah and that's the thing she worked with Radio Silence on that so it only made sense that she'd appear in Scream

James Jay Edwards:

before we say another word. If you have not seen Scream 6 go see it because we're gonna spoil the crap out of it. Or if you don't mind it being spoiled listen on. But if you if you don't want to spoil hit stop, go watch it, and then come back because we got some stuff to say. But anyway Samara Weaving, she usually is like the final girl the heroine but she gets to get killed in this one. And it's actually kind of you know you're in for a different take on the Scream movie right from this one because it starts out pretty typical she's you know there she gets the phone call she and she gets killed and then they unmask Ghost Face immediately.

Jonathan Correia:

Well, even before that it plays out like a Tinder date. Like

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, yeah

Jonathan Correia:

oh im lost, where are you? Is it this street

Jacob Davidson:

Oh I'm just in this alley. Oh, it also should be noted that Samara Weaving character is a college professor specializing in media studies of slasher movies

James Jay Edwards:

as if I couldn't love her more. In her actual accent she is she Australian or New Zealand?

Jacob Davidson:

I believe Australian

James Jay Edwards:

Hearing her talk intelligently about horror movies like that in that accent. I'm like, oh, Smar. Now I'm getting creepy.

Jacob Davidson:

Oh, now you're gonna be Ghostface

Jonathan Correia:

I swear every time they do one of these intros. I'm like, How can you do an original take on this because even the Scream 4 one was was a lot of fun, but it felt like alright, I feel like we've reached the end of like doing these intros and then six just like even before immediately unmasking Ghostface in that which was incredible. Just the lead up of like, oh, it's like a tinder day. Oh, is she going to save someone who's about to be Ghostfaced, and then she gets Ghostfaced and you're just like, oh fuck, and just like the trap of it and like, so good.

James Jay Edwards:

But it's revealed that there are a couple of guys who basically have fallen, the whole premise of it is Sam or Tara has gone off to college in New York with the twins. And Sam has followed her because she wants to keep her safe from Ghostface because they have become

Jonathan Correia:

Core four!

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, they have become kind of celebrities

Jacob Davidson:

Core Four Baby! and people sort of like what happened to Sydney where people are kind of like, you know, hassling them because of their role in these murders to the point where Sam is actually being blamed for them by some Internet people. So it turns out that the guy who kills Samara Weaving's character and another guy they want to recreate these murders and actually get the Carpenter Sisters, which is like right away, you know, you're like, Okay, this is you know, first of all, this isn't the whole plot. You know that? No, it isn't because the thing is this movie, I don't even think on a first cursory thought you can count the number of ghosts faces and this Yeah, it does pile up

James Jay Edwards:

and the thing is, it's not just because it's set on Halloween. So there's tons of people dressed as ghosts face but there are actually a lot of ghost face killers like Ghostfaces who who are actually doing the killing and two of them you get right at the beginning.

Jonathan Correia:

I think there is a number I think it's six.

James Jay Edwards:

That's what that one interview said and And she says that that iconic line the "I didn't want to be we'll get to that because another way this kind of flips the script and we're jumping way ahead but there are three legit Ghostface Kitt when Ghostface is unmasked there are three. Okay, here's where I think you ring the bell for round one. I think okay, first of all, I'm gonna go I'm gonna say this is my second least favorite screen movie. And that just pays for those who say, Oh, that's gonna that just goes to say how strong the franchise is. Because the worst screen movie is still better than most of the horror movies out there. But here's my take on it. I think it was too safe. Especially after killing Dewey in Scream 5. You're like, okay, all bets are off. No one is safe in this one. Too many people live because they bring back Kirby who now works for the FBI, which is actually kind of brilliant. Because after the trauma she went through in Scream 4 she is she's dedicated her life to stopping that kind of thing. afraid of the monsters. I wanted to be the thing that monsters are afraid of." Yeah. And then they bring back Gail and then they bring back They call themselves the Core Four. But it's Tara Sam and I don't remember the names of

Jacob Davidson:

Chad and Mindy Meeks

James Jay Edwards:

Chad and Mindy, god How could I forget his name was Chad. He's such a Chad. Yeah, Chad and Mindy. They bring back all of them and Now I'm really gonna spoil this but they all freaking live.

Jonathan Correia:

Well, this is a spoiler episode.

James Jay Edwards:

And the thing is there are red herrings like you think at one point you think Mindy gets killed at one point you see Chad get killed and that's my real problem. And then you think Gail gets killed and then they say later Oh, she's at the hospital, and she's okay. And then you see frickin Kirby get killed, but she's wearing a bulletproof vest. It's, it's like, okay, especially after killing Dewey, you kind of shed some blood you gotta kill off and they even made a big deal about franchises. Even main characters are not safe.

Jonathan Correia:


James Jay Edwards:

go ahead,

Jonathan Correia:

counterpoint. Fuck you. I loved that. Because first of all,

James Jay Edwards:

the counterpoint is you are wrong hahaha

Jonathan Correia:

The counterpoint is fuck you, no

Jacob Davidson:

My counterpoint on that counterpoint is that it's a double subversion. Because yeah, they set it up like oh, you're gonna see main characters die. Yeah, it seems like they do. And honestly, I think it's I think it's funnier when it seems like a character dies and they survive like that.

Jonathan Correia:

Especially since like, you don't see any of them die. You see them get attacked a lot. And I like come on, Gale can't go out like that. Like that was a great fight scene. That was a great moment. But for her to just go out by some like basically Rando at that point. Know that that's not how Gail is gonna go out and I love that tell Sydney they didn't get me that's how you knew she was gonna survive because Gail is a is a fighter. She's going to survive this you know, unless you put a fucking bullet between her eyes. Gail is coming back. And even Chad like he was getting the shit stabbed out of him. Don't get me wrong. He was the one that I was like, Oh, he's definitely gonna go and then he didn't

James Jay Edwards:

You watch him get the shit stabbed out of him.

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, shit stabbed out of him. That was a lot. But

James Jay Edwards:

I know!

Jacob Davidson:

Double teamed!

Jonathan Correia:

But I like what Jacob said. It's a double subversion because they do put so much emphasis on Oh, it's the rules. Oh, it's the rules. But don't forget what the main Ghostface you know, the reboot Ghostface said after the first kill of the movie. He said Who gives a fuck about the movies, they weren't going by the rules with this. They used a shotgun. That's what this movie is. It's fuck all the rules, we already did the Requel thing with 5. So this is and again, the ghost faces don't give a shit about the movies. They were just avenging the Richie from the first film and so them all surviving. I thought that was brilliant. Because it's like you are going in expecting which legacy is going to die, which one of the Core Four is going to die, you know, and to the fact they all lived and get to, you know, fight another day, I thought was really smart. I thought it was great. Because again, if you killed another legacy character, especially if Gail died in this one, then it would just be like too much like, So what So Sidney is going to die in the next one. You know what I mean? It's one of those. I thought it was a nice subversion of tricking you into thinking all right, Dewey died in the last one. Someones definitely gonna die in this one and have no one die? I thought that was brilliant.

James Jay Edwards:

But the fact that they showed so many of these people, quote, die, and they didn't. That means they can actually bring Gil back for seven. The defibrillatored brain didn't kill her.

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, I don't know. And I did really like because everyone is very adamant. Stu is not coming back. And they had that little thing of like, Oh, I saw this in the movie with the head coming down to show the killer die. I thought that was a great fuck you could have all the people are like, yeah, no Stu's coming back and it's like, no, he took a TV to the face. Like he's not coming back. Yep. And he was stabbed. He was stab before the TV like

James Jay Edwards:

so. So since we're spoiling and Correia already kind of mentioned that they're avenging Richie, that one of the killers from the from 5. It's actually Dermot Mulroney's police character and his two kids which both of them are in the main circle of kids you know, one of them's the slutty roommate and the other is the what did they call him?

Jacob Davidson:

The Nerdy Virgin Guy

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, the nerdy virgin guy. Those are your three killers there. And I think that sixth is spoiling again, Sam puts on the Ghostface outfit to kill.

Jonathan Correia:

I want 100% accept that narrative that there was

James Jay Edwards:

it makes sense. Yep.

Jonathan Correia:

Sam was the sixth.

James Jay Edwards:


Jacob Davidson:

And also it bookends with the original screen because remember, Sydney puts on the Ghostface costume at the end of the original yep,

James Jay Edwards:

I still think Sydney has the highest body count of the entire franchise because

Jacob Davidson:

I mean technically Yeah,

James Jay Edwards:

yeah. Between all the killing that she's done in self defense.

Jonathan Correia:

And with that, they do give like a not throw away line but they do say like Sydney is saying this they legit just say Sydney sitting this one out her and her family are going to a safe place and hiding let her have her happy ending. I liked that a lot. I liked that they addressed it. They didn't just go Oh no. Did you hear Sydney got killed in her house or some bullshit like that. Like they're like no Sydney's alive and Yeah, after five movies, I think she does deserve to get to sit one out we all know that you know, there was some behind the scenes stuff about pay that was a factor at all of it. But in all honesty, like I don't know what the original script or the other script that had Sydney in it like how she would have played in this but how 6 played out I thought it played out very well. And To try to put Sydney into that would have felt like shoehorning, like even Gail felt a little bit of a reach. But also like I got it, you know, like I understood like, why Gail was there.

James Jay Edwards:

She wanted to write another book.

Jonathan Correia:

And I did like that Sam had a bit of like, kind of like Sydney in 2 and 3 of just like, Fuck you, Gail. You just want to write another book. Yeah, that was my only complaint was like that whole connection. They got over that very quickly. Very quick.

Jacob Davidson:

Oh, and also back on Gale real quick, that bit with her. Trying to interview Sam and Tara. And then Sam takes a swing at her and she misses him Gail's like I've been doing this long enough. And then Tara bops her in the face. Yeah, that bit killed me.

James Jay Edwards:

She's all sorry, I hit you. And she's I know you're not. You're right. I'm not.

Jacob Davidson:

And again, this said some really good gags.

James Jay Edwards:

I think that the whole reason Sydney was coming back was because of Dewey because Dewey was her best friend's brother. And they grew up together. There was a loyalty there that she didn't have with Gail even though her and Gail had been through a lot of the same shit. She didn't grow up with Gail. And in fact, for a lot of the movies, a lot of the franchise she hated Gail. So now that Dewey is gone, there's not really a reason for Sydney to come back, except maybe

Jonathan Correia:

To avenge. So I could see like, Sydney coming back because these are, but even then, like she kind of got that in 5. So like, Yeah, but even 5 I felt like Sydney played such a smaller role because of the new cast and everything in it. I'm not saying that Sydney was shoehorned in 5 but I don't know if the moment it felt a little disconnected there. Anyways, that being said, I really hope that they figure out to bring her back in a spectacular way for 7 because it really does feel like there's a trilogy here. And I know that the Radio Silence has said that they're operating on "this is our one chances our only time we get to make this Scream movie. So we're gonna we're gonna act like this is the last one but there has to be something there with Sydney and there they have to do something with Billy because like the whole Billy thing in 5 didn't really work for me except for like, Oh, he's back. Cool. We got we got

Jacob Davidson:

the original ghost face is kind of a ghost. Yeah.

Jonathan Correia:

Which is cool. He's at Ghostface littoral, and I feel like they did a better job with that and dealing with Skeet Ulrich and Sam and like, their interactions and whatnot. It felt more natural in this one and that they were doing more with it, but they gotta do something with it.

James Jay Edwards:

Did you guys notice and I just noticed it watching this installment of the movie if Sam had Billy's last name should be Sam Loomis.

Jacob Davidson:

That's a fun little gag there.

James Jay Edwards:

I wonder if they meant to do that?

Jonathan Correia:

They probably did.

Jacob Davidson:


Jonathan Correia:

I just like that. They're known as the carpenter sisters.

James Jay Edwards:

That's gonna I didn't notice that until this one too. I'm all Carpenter. Hmm.

Jonathan Correia:

Well, I got the Carpenter thing but then being called The Carpenter Sisters just makes me be like Oh I'd buy that record. Sure. It's like some 60's like Nancy Sinatra like, type deal

Jacob Davidson:

I looked it up and guess who has an uncredited cameo in the movie? Who I Think You Should Leave star and comedian Tim Robinson because remember Quinn has that off screen boyfriend who keeps on yelling in and yeah, that was Oh,

James Jay Edwards:

really? Yeah.

Jonathan Correia:

Which one was Quinn?

James Jay Edwards:

Quinn was the sluttly roommate.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, the slutty roommate. It turned out to be the daughter of the cop.

James Jay Edwards:

You keep hearing her doing her boyfriend and you just hear his voice

Jacob Davidson:

Whose Paul?

Jonathan Correia:

Wait, who's Tim Robinson?

Jacob Davidson:

You know, he's the star of I Think You Should Leave that sketch comedy show on Netflix. That's really big.

Jonathan Correia:

Gotcha. I haven't watched it yet. So oh, that's why went over my head.

Jacob Davidson:

And just want to add one other thing I wanted to bring up this that probably one of my favorite segments in the movie had to be the subway sequence just cause because that one really advantage and also it just further kind of pushes in my opinion that Ghostface may have supernatural powers because you would have to have some kind of supernatural power to make your way for a crowded subway train like

James Jay Edwards:

that. Well, yeah. Yeah. The thing is, that was one of the benefits, I think to setting it on Halloween because yeah, because on this subway and the people they get separated, the two groups have because they're, you know, there's like, you know, six or eight people making their way to the shrine where the big final boss battle is going to happen. And they get separated

Jacob Davidson:

because New York and Halloween there's so many hustling and bustling young.

James Jay Edwards:

And so Mindy and the Virgin, they get put on one subway car, and everyone else is on the other. And that's where Mindy gets attacked and killed. Quote Killed

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, and they build it up, because you're not sure if there's a bunch of assholes dressed up as Ghostface on both trains. You're like, oh, is it this one? Or is it this one? Or is it this one?

James Jay Edwards:

That's thing and then they show one that you're pretty sure is the real Ghostface because he's just staring at her while the other ones are off doing their their thing, and then he'll be gone, but there'll be other ones there and you're like, Okay, wait, which one was that guy that yeah, it's uh, I think setting him on Halloween was a brilliant move.

Jacob Davidson:

And on that note, it also made for a lot of great Easter eggs and kind of cameo stuff because like I saw

James Jay Edwards:

The Babadook

Jacob Davidson:

Michael Myers, The Babdook! And also there's a Mojo Jojo costume which is a really fun little bit because as we all know, Roger L Jackson who does the voice of Ghostface also did the voice of Mojo Jojo on the Powerpuff Girls

Jonathan Correia:

that he did! I love the the bride from Ready or Not costume on the train that Yeah, I noticed it in the trailer too though. So that was real fun with poor Lindsey dude she was sitting next to me and I just kept slapping her leg just every time there was like something just like oh yeah oh, do you see that?

Jacob Davidson:

You just keep on doing the Rick Dalton thing pointing at the screen oh look that

James Jay Edwards:

Thats The Iron Giant, that the Iron Giant!

Jonathan Correia:

but because I'm trying to be nice and not talking that they are I'm just slapping her like she's like what? You see the Bride from Ready or Not? you see that? You see theterrible, Pinehead mask. But also that scene captured really well. urban transit. Yeah, just the everyone bunched up on one end. And then the people who were in really rough shape on another and everyone's just kind of leaving them alone and all that stuff. And like, what a gnarly stabbing too. I also really loved you guys know, the rules, you know, were they in the Scream Movies we were they sit down and they explained the rules and Mindy's like I know this, I got this. I got this all figured out. Like the whole thing. Just you could feel like them being like, why not you guys, you know, and looking back and knowing who the Ghostfaces are. And knowing that two of them were in there, you're looking back, you're like, oh, man, they're subverting or they're fucking with her during this bit.

James Jay Edwards:

Did you guys stay for the after credits? There's after credits, right. Well, it's a very short one. But at the end of the credits on after the credits, it's Mindy in that scene where she's explaining stuff outside she goes, and not every movie needs a post credit scene.

Jacob Davidson:

Damn it. Oh, man I missed that

James Jay Edwards:

So it's sort of like a sort of like a Ferris Bueller one, you know, so it's making fun of itself. But yeah, it was pretty funny.

Jacob Davidson:

All right. Well, if I see it again, I'll stay for the whole thing.

James Jay Edwards:

I stayed through the credits because I was looking for any shout outs to Poltergeists and Paramore. Which there weren't any. Yeah, I think that's all that we have to say. All we have to spoil about Scream 6. So I hope that you either saw it or didn't mind it being spoiled because we basically told you everything, including the post credits. That's why this is the minisode

Jonathan Correia:

Do you agree with Jay or do you agree with me on do you think someone should have died? If so? Who do you think should have died?

Jacob Davidson:

Well, I'm with you. I'm with Jon on this

James Jay Edwards:

Nah. I think that they should have at least kept Mindy and Chad dead

Jonathan Correia:

but then they couldn't be the Core Four

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, could be the Core Two

Jacob Davidson:

I love the Core Four now. And like maybe they're saving that for the third movie in the trilogy. You know?

James Jay Edwards:

I don't know it was it was the safe. The safe

Jonathan Correia:

I think the safe bet became unsafe, because bet. now it's like what's gonna happen in the next one?

James Jay Edwards:

All right.

Jacob Davidson:


James Jay Edwards:

All right, I guess I guess they subverted the trope by following it. I don't know.

Jonathan Correia:

Again when when you when you show that anything can happen. Anything can go, right? Where do you go from there? You either up it or you subvert it

James Jay Edwards:

Okay. Right on well, you two are wrong, but that's okay.

Jacob Davidson:


James Jay Edwards:

So what do you think is scream six? And are you Team Jay? Are you Team Jon? You know, it doesn't matter what you are because Whoever agrees with Correia is wrong. We'll we'll see you with another minisode and another episode soon for me. I'm James Jay Edwards.

Jacob Davidson:

I'm Jacob Davison

Jonathan Correia:

and I'm right, no, I'm Jon Correia.

James Jay Edwards:

Keep your eye on minisodes

Jonathan Correia:


Jacob Davidson:


Jonathan Correia:

Since this minisode is filled with spoilers for Scream 6, which is still in theaters, we aren't going to play a clip from the episode instead. I'm going to sing you guys a little ditty did doo doo doo doo doo doo didn't do that. Do that. Take a little walk to the edge of town and go across the tracks Where the viaduct looms, like a bird of doom As it shifts and cracks Where secrets lie in the border fires, in the humming wires Hey man, you know you're never coming back Past the square, past the bridge, past the mills, past the stacks On a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man in a dusty black coat with a red right hand He'll wrap you in his arms, tell you that you've been a good boy He'll rekindle all the dreams it took you a lifetime to destroy He'll reach deep into the hole, heal your shrinking soul, but there won't be a single thing that you can do He's a god, he's a man, he's a ghost, he's a guru They're whispering his name through this disappearing land But hidden in his coat is a red right hand You don't have no money? He'll get you some You don't have no car? He'll get you one You don't have no self-respect, you feel like an insect Well don't you worry buddy, 'cause here he comes Through the ghettos and the barrio and the bowery and the slum A shadow is cast wherever he stands Stacks of green paper in his red right hand You'll see him in your nightmares, you'll see him in your dreams He'll appear out of nowhere but he ain't what he seems You'll see him in your head, on the TV screen And hey buddy, I'm warning you to turn it off He's a ghost, he's a god, he's a man, he's a guru You're one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan Designed and directed by his red right hand If you just listen to all of that, um, I don't know what to tell you. Except that I'm a fucking one take wonder motherfuckers

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