Eye On Horror

Talking Titans Episode 3

iHorror Season 5

Welcome back to another episode of TALKING TITANS! Correia is joined by EOH Producer Lindsey Gant and professional author, podcaster, and publicist Waylon Jordan to spill the tea on episodes 5-7 of The Boulet Brothers' Dragula Titans! Who went home? Who served the best looks? The drama in the boudoir!  Its all new on TALKING TITANS! 


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Jonathan Correia:

We'll get it someday. Welcome to Eye On Horror's Talking Titans. The podcast where we talk about the Boulet Brothers Dragula Titans. I Eye On Horror of course it's the official podcast of iHorror.com. I'm your host Jonathan Correia. And with me as usual with this we're not every other week we're not every week where we can get to watch in the episodes but with me as every time we do record is Lindsey Gant Lindsey, how are you today?


Smooth Jon, that's very smooth though. So you have here you are a podcast professional.

Jonathan Correia:

You know, I've been doing this for like five years or so now. So


doing great so far, but I am doing great and I am happy to be here.

Jonathan Correia:

And also with us is author, writer and fellow podcaster because he just started his new podcast Gunkel Waylon's Place. Waylon Jordan Waylon, how are you this evening?

Waylon Jordan:

I'm hanging in there. This is I'm really looking forward to the night because we're off to a banger of a start. So I'm ready to see what happens. I've already called Jonathan Daddy and he didn't take it well, so we'll just see what happens next.

Jonathan Correia:

What do you mean I didn't take it well.


There was a full face flush there.

Waylon Jordan:

Yes. He basically whited out his video he turned so bright.

Jonathan Correia:

In my defense, Lindsey and I's old roommate ruined the term daddy for us.


He really did. We do have a lot to get to tonight. We have three whole episodes we're talking about Yes. Episode Five, six and seven. So there's so much drama to get to. It's wild.

Waylon Jordan:

That last three episodes was nothing but drama until it all just blew up in everyone's face.


Oh, absolutely.

Jonathan Correia:

I don't know what you guys are talking about with Titans being drama like


very chill, nothing going on.

Jonathan Correia:

It's purely about the art and no one is dramatic about anything ever. Well anyways, Episode Five we had our basic bitch and Zombie Prom combo episode where the where they had to create a basic bitch look, and then show what that basic bitch would look like when they were turned into a zombie at the prom.


I honestly really liked this like I think it was a really interesting creative challenge like going into like because that's what they were saying was that a lot of a lot of these people on dragula may not necessarily do the beauty and a lot of their looks and so having them go to classic drag performance very beautiful, very Queen like and then going full draggy Allah just completely destroying and tearing apart their looks. And just Yeah, I thought it was very interesting and very cool the way they went about it.

Jonathan Correia:

And they always do something cool with Yes, in both episodes, both five and six. Yeah, the basic bitch challenge because I believe it was season two, there was a lot it was one of the last times they did the yeah, she dropped a couple of hints before I think but yeah, she's really trying to play up that someone's trying to basic bitch challenge. And that was the one where it was the slasher video so it would always they all had to orchestrate their own deaths. And that's where we got the iconic Disasterina's line I that go could give me a give me slim and the alcoholic give me a personality. Which is amazing. And with this one with the zombie looks, we got some really fierce zombies. But before any of that could happen. I think this was this the episode where Coco started claiming that pizza one was sabotage and her. sabotage her. I just don't know how we haven't like, like somebody on production hasn't seen it happen. Like you would think that that would be something that they would intercut an edit with kind of like when when they did the whole voting thing. And then later on they did like, oh, remember when Asturd voted for Coco or I remember when so and so did you know that seems like something that they would do at some point. Like they would be like oh, look at so and so weak that we caught on a GoPro sabotaging, but also like when did these people have the time? I like to Asturd's responsive, just saying like, Hey, I'm a messy bitch. And I lose things all the time. She's a messy bitch too. So she's probably just losing stuff.


Well, John, as somebody who works on reality TV production, like do you? Could you imagine that it'd be possible to go and sabotage somebody else's stuff? Or is it kind of under lock and key when that's like a matter of competition? So I know that they're putting together all their outfits from scratch. I don't know how much of that is done at home. I don't know how much of that is kept on stage. But do you think that that would be something that's that's possible to do on set?

Jonathan Correia:

Um, I mean, it depends. You know, I've worked on a few of these competitions shows I've actually worked on a competition show that's very similar to Dragula. That will not be named that involves a lot of costume changes. Jon


is giving us very dramatic looks for those who cannot see it. Yes. In an audio format,

Jonathan Correia:

I can't really say what I worked on, but I worked on something with with a bunch of drag queens, it's known. And with that, you know, they bring all their costumes, they bring all their stuff, you know, they have ideas of like, what's going to be coming, I'm assuming because those bitches brought like 15-20 trucks of close with. But with that show, they're very secretive. They're very, everything's compartmentalized. I was working with cast and even I didn't know most of the people's names, because they were immediately given a color and and go by the room thing. So like, if you tried to quiz me on who was in that season, I have no idea. I hope no one sabotaging, that would be terrible. That'd be horrible. That would totally suck. And everyone's already being shady and two face the season anyway, so we don't need that element.

Waylon Jordan:

So let's talk about those basic bitch looks. Yeah. Because I was loving some of the stuff. You know, Aborha Once again, did not understand the assignment did not pay attention to the assignment. I mean, come on. This is high school prom day, she had slept, she stopped listening at high school because she shows up in a cheerleader uniform and who wears a cheerleading uniform to the prom? No one

Jonathan Correia:

what? I never went. So I don't know. I don't have any examples. But I would assume that's a faux PA or that you would go for something else. I'm assuming


I think the Boulets were saying that their interpretation of it was the cheerleader who either got kicked out and couldn't go to prom, or they had to do a cheerleading competition instead of prom. But that was them trying to widely grasp at it to figure out how to fit it in. Yes.

Waylon Jordan:

I think they gave her more credit. Yeah. Then then was due on that. I think it was just again, Aborha wanting to do her own thing. She seems to think that, you know, if she does her own thing, it makes her stand out rather than you know, pissing people off because she's not doing what she's supposed to be doing.

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, outside of it being a prom challenge. I didn't hate her. Look, I thought it was pretty solid, especially her zombie. You know, she had a lot of fun with the fake titties flopping around all everywhere. You know, she really went for the camp. So it's it's not that it was a bad look. It was again, you just didn't get the assignment, which is kind of her M.O. at this point. That being said, I think, Bora I know we have definitely ragged on her quite a bit on the show. I think she kind of redeemed herself this week. You know, everyone kind of gave her the sit down. It was like all right, mother fucker you need to get your shit together. You're pissing us all off. And I think she got a really like took that to heart. But yeah, Hoso wouldn't let that go. But we'll get to that in a little bit. What about Melissa? Because Melissa had the best Prom book, but her zombie look was very, it's a bit rough.

Waylon Jordan:

You know, my thing was, Melissa is you know, we had talked about before, you know, that Aborha goes off and does her own thing. And Melissa almost played it too safe again. Like she didn't fully give herself over to it. And she kept trying and and you know, Bravo for her trying the prosthetics and things like that. But again, it's not something that she's really good at that she's really mastered. And I don't know why she kept trying to force that when it kept falling apart on her. I mean, I loved the prom look. But once she went zombie, it was just kind of like meh. I mean, the pieces were falling weren't well, they weren't necessarily falling off, but they weren't great. And I'm just not sure what she was trying to prove at that point.


I don't know like what I like about Melissa is, to me, it feels like she's every single time she's trying extremely hard to go out of her box. Like it'll be in the glamour person every time she does such dramatic horror or filth look, I think it's I think it's I'm excited to see it and excited to see what she does. This one didn't hit as much for me, but I think it's still a cool look. And I think that it was a really good degradation of the beautiful prom queen look that she had it really just completely fell apart. Even when she was just standing there talking when they were giving their critiques. Her face of course was like kind of peeling off because the prosthetics but she just looks really gory and just really kind of just disheveled in a way that I don't ever see of Melissa. So, you know, it may not have been done as well as other people could do but the thought is there and I really appreciate her really going for it with her looks.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah. Now of course the two best looks. Were our girl CoCo Kaine and Victoria black, which we have to admit, I think this challenge was made for Victoria black. She is known for giving some of the most fierce and beautiful looks while also absolutely killing it with prosthetics and whatnot. So a challenge that combines the two, but still has to be a separate thing. It seemed almost like there was no way to compete, right? But Coco came real close. I thought her look was phenomenal.

Waylon Jordan:

Yeah, Coco really was and I wonder like I know it's it's not supposed to be or whatever but the last couple of episodes just watching. Do you feel like things have been kind of weighted toward Victoria in some kind of way? Because it seems like the woman works. I mean, that Queen works her ass off. But like it seems not only that the challenges are right up her alley, but at the same time, like she's still in this competition, and deservedly so. But she's had some rough weeks and still kind of gotten the safety call on everything and made it doesn't feel like they're quite as hard. And I love me some Victoria. Y'all know how I feel about Victoria. I just want Victoria to come hang out with me. And maybe we go to dinner or something, you know, I mean, that's just me. But like,

Jonathan Correia:

we know you forgive her for the mullet? We know I do.

Waylon Jordan:

I do. But it just seems like things kind of skewed towards her a little bit. The last couple of episodes.


Waylon, are you claiming sabotage from the producers of the Boulet brothers? Absolutely. pushing her through my gun ever.

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, now I don't sabotage. I don't know if there's favoritism. You know, I think that they're a little lenient, maybe? Uh huh. And I think that comes up most in the in Episode Seven with their fish look. Because like, it's one of those things. I think one of the problems is that her technique, and what she does is, so it's like she does it on such a professional level. They even said it in Episode Seven, it's hard to knock it down, because it's done so well. But it's not quite what is needed. And so right, this thing that is extreme professionalism, extreme effort, is not, it's amazing, but it's not exactly what's being asked. And I think that's what a lot of the problem comes down to is what and what happens with Victoria is like, she does such a great job, but it's just, it's hard. It's like, it's hard to explain it. But it's like, you didn't fuck up, but you didn't do it. Right.

Waylon Jordan:

Right. I mean, and she has avoided so much of the drama this this season. I mean, you know, until the end of this episode, and then things kind of careened, but you know, I mean, it's like she has really tried to just like keep her head down and just try to do what she's supposed to be doing. So I don't know. I don't know. It just felt a little. It did feel a little skewed to me. I don't know. I'm not saying that anybody is trying to play anything. I'm just saying maybe the way that they're editing it possibly.

Jonathan Correia:

Well, what we do know is that she ultimately did win the competition and was given the opportunity to pick the bottom two looks and quiet Victoria, who keeps her head down, said that she was going to judge by you know, take everything in consideration, but also leaned a little bit into the drama and pick two out of the three people caught in that love triangle.


Which can we take a moment and talk about the drama here with this love triangle because this was the episode, things really exponentially just like blew up in the boudoir. Like, okay, so we have Aborha, Asturd, and Hoso and at the beginning of this episode, we have a moment in which they all start pairing off then like, Oh, do you want to go to prom with me like doing a cute little thing that you would do when you have a prom episode.

Jonathan Correia:

Initiated by Hoso, want that on the record


and then suddenly, they don't have an even number of people. So someone's gonna be left out. That's just how math works. And so that happens to be Aborha in this instance. And abora takes it in stride. She goes and asks a mannequin out to prom and it was very cute, fun moment that think that Aborha had, and everyone's laughing, having fun with it. And suddenly Hoso was oh my god, this reality. This is not cool. Not cool, guys. We can't treat Aborha like this anymore. And she was like having a full blown meltdown and the boudoir because suddenly nobody wanted to pair up with Aborha like, I don't understand what happened here. And it just completely blew up and derail the entire episode in terms of the relationships between folks and and just general drama, this episode

Jonathan Correia:

to the point where it carried into the next day when they were getting ready. And like the three of them were like very silent, very quiet, and then Coco went off on them and they're like, I'm sorry, what the fuck is this all about? And they're like, Well, you know, yesterday was the thing she's like, that's what it is. Wow. And like we got full blown Coco just throwing shade calling them, What was it?


Titty fucking baby? Boo the fuck who? You know a Titty Fucking baby is someone who's so claps onto their mother's nipple?

Jonathan Correia:

That was one of the greatest cutaways ever when it's just like titty fucking baby boo the fuck who a titty fucking baby is.


We need to have a definition in here just to be clear about what I'm saying by titty fucking baby.

Waylon Jordan:

So you will know

Jonathan Correia:

whoever's editing knows how to enter cut a Coco Cane moment perfectly


the editors love cocoa it's amazing what they do here

Jonathan Correia:

yeah cuz they did it in Episode Seven too when Saint gave a he was given critiques and then st says everything just goes not Saint telling me I'm going to slow yeah


the perfect little kind of

Jonathan Correia:

which is great because I fucking love Saint but Saint does tend to not bring a lot of energy


I want to whole reality show with just Coco doing some doing Coco stuff. I don't know. I guess that's her Instagram right now though. She's just constantly on live. Like doing her makeup talking about ghost stories from her childhood. It's just amazing.

Jonathan Correia:

Just taking huge bong rips


highly recommend. Yes, just wake n' baking in the morning. Doing make-up

Jonathan Correia:

it so good. But yeah, that that love triangle did very much so get very weary very much

Waylon Jordan:

old since the first episode but yeah, it felt like the fuse was lit. Finally in this episode, and you know, I mean, I really hoped that when Victoria made her decisions that it might put an end to some all of that but all it did was just the I mean they they still just act like that towards one another. I don't think anybody's happy.

Jonathan Correia:

No. Well, and that was the thing too is that like a lot of it you know, was a lot of people projecting onto Aborah and like, especially in seeing how she was acting in the last couple episodes, and her exit and everything. So much of the drama from the from the triangle came from other people going Aborah Don't you feel like shit? Don't you feel like shit with them doing this? She's like, No, I'm fine. No, you must feel like shit. You must really feel like shit. Well, yeah, don't feel great about Yeah, you feel like shit, don't you? And it just which I is not fair to her. Like, it made me feel like a dick for things for being so annoyed by her earlier in the season. Because it was just like, ya know, that people have been just like, projecting all of this onto her and projecting these insecurities and everything. And like the pinnacle of that is Hoso with the Oh, not cool, guys. It's like dude, you started it. You started this whole oh, let's go to prom together thing and then you were laughing with the with the mannequins for like five or 10 minutes and then all sudden just went Oh wait guys. And then she even admitted she's like maybe I just kind of made things worse with this whole thing. It's like yeah, yeah, kind of fucking did.


It's absolutely true. Jon, I think Aborah like has really been taking the brunt of all this stuff. And some of them have been calling out Hoso but not nearly as much. And I don't understand why Hoso can just like glide through without taking any repercussions for the drama. She's instilling. Yeah, yeah, Aborah really did take the brunt of that when she was just trying to make the best of situation and made me sad that she was the one who had to leave because of this, because Aborah was the one that kicked out of Episode Five. And I did not like any of her outfits this episode. And so I you know, that's fine, but I think it really was relating to the drama and Victoria, deciding that she would be the one to who leaving would cause the end of the Rift,

Jonathan Correia:

there was a lot where it made sense that this was Aborah's time to go. Looking back, I am kind of glad that she got to spend more time in there, you know, got to see her grow, got to see her art more of her art. I do really wish though, that love triangle drama that everyone was creating was not a part of the factor of her leaving. Talking about character development. I was a bit sad to see her go,


you know? Yeah, same here.

Jonathan Correia:

But hey, someone has to go home at the end of the night, every night or thought except. And that leads


Leading to the next Episode us

Jonathan Correia:

Episode Six the ugly ladies of wrestling where each person had to create an ugly lady of wrestling inspired by the women's wrestlers of the 80s featured in the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Of course. This was an interesting one because last time they did a fighting episode was the Muppet fights and season one where they just went fucking ham on each other especially Melissa B. Fierce, who like just was wailing on her opponents. So everyone kind of went into it thinking like, oh, yeah, we're gonna be like beating the shit out of each other. But it was wrestling which is, which is a dance

Waylon Jordan:

Its choreographed.

Jonathan Correia:

It's all fake. Well, I mean, not all entirely fake, but like you're not actually hitting people. Like you're doing stunt work and whatnot. It's it was very interesting to see how they paired up and how they paired off and then all sudden, they realize like, oh, wait, shit, we're not facing each other. We're working with each other, which led to some interesting stuff like Asturd and Melissa pairing up because suddenly they were against each other, but like that energy worked really well on their performance, you know,

Waylon Jordan:

and this was the episode where I thought Melissa felt it. She was just really in her element. Like she totally ate that shit up. Her look was fantastic for this

Jonathan Correia:

that China inspired look. Oh

Waylon Jordan:

yeah. I mean, she was she was phenomenal. Her look was fantastic. Her performance was amazing. I don't know, I was really knocked out by Melissa in this one.

Jonathan Correia:

Everything about it was great. I tend to be a little biased because it is Coco. But Coco stole the show with her performance be with her giant fucking giant titties


Big bodacious queen.

Jonathan Correia:

She said they were like double Z's or something like, but outside of the like, you know, very large butt and boobs. It wasn't a whole lot to her look, except for like the hair. The hair was phenomenal, though, especially with the wig reveal.

Waylon Jordan:

Oh, yeah. That snatched wig with another wig under it was fantastic. It was beautiful.


Her look was incomplete because of sabotage. Maybe?

Jonathan Correia:

I don't know. But either way, she still took what she had. And she sold it. You know, it's one of those and they bring it up in in a few episodes, especially Episode Seven. But there's times where like, props or a dress or piece. You either wear it or it wears you and Coco knows how to work very large titties, of course. And she did. And when her and Victoria start fucking in the back. That was one of the funniest things that was so camp


highlight of television for this year. Yeah.

Jonathan Correia:

It was just fantastic. I mean, yeah, but that was one of those cases where like a performance can save a look that was a bit lacking because outside of the titties wasn't too much to it.

Waylon Jordan:

Well, you know, and as soon as I saw Victoria out there rubbing on that phallic thing out in front of her. I was like, Oh, this is gonna be something

Jonathan Correia:


Waylon Jordan:

Yes. Yes, the codpiece the COCK piece. I'm sorry. That was like a whole cockpit. But yeah, like I was like, wow. Okay. Well, somebody didn't come to wrestle.


I definitely love seeing that side of Victoria, too. I feel like that's a side I haven't seen of her before.

Waylon Jordan:

Oh, yeah. She really kind of cut loose and really kind of like, I didn't know there was this this quality about her energy that we yeah, we never see that from her.


And even just like the look like she doesn't necessarily does she doesn't have to go beautiful a lot of things but feel like it's a lot of aesthetically pleasing type stuff. And like this character will just kind of really the epitome of just going outside of her comfort zone.

Jonathan Correia:

Now, the two bottom looks were also two that were paired together, which was Hoso and Eva, another demonstration of the theater kid given an opportunity to do a performance and not nailing it. I mean Eva's look was okay, like it was fine. But like when she was talking about like really bringing out her legs, she didn't go as hard with it as I thought she was and the pants that she wore before the reveal were ugly. They were just ugly. Those were pants I would wear and that's saying a lot


if by thespian Eva means the the person who's walking down the high school corridor just like screaming their fucking head off just like making the most attention for themselves. Yeah, she's the best has been to the mall. Just like screaming at the stage. But in terms of her performance, very lacking. And I was honestly extremely disappointed to get in Oh, so like I watched again, I watched this episode for a second time and just watching her just kind of like flit across the arena and then try to take a bite. It was just like you didn't pay attention at all to any of the practice sessions you all were doing. And I don't understand why she can keep going through this but not have the performance down. She just not listening to instructions around performance.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, it was very lacking. It was very understandable why they were in the bottom. I mean, we got honestly more of a performance out of Coco's straw than those two in the ring. I didn't know that we were gonna get a follow up of cocoa versus and an inanimate object. But we did in episode one we had cocoa versus quil. Episode Six, we had Coco versus straw, where we see her struggling because she puts her drink on her giant s titties. And she's struggling with her straws trying to pick up with her nails.


Alicia was able to get the straw with her nails like that was not the case. That was impressive.

Jonathan Correia:

And then she ultimately pours it all over herself while Eva and Hoso are like, being super dramatic and all that and even goes into her whole like I'm Eva fucking Destruction. Okay. And I love that Hoso did that little call back to Willow, Willow Tree being like, and I mean, well Oh, no, I'm just like trying to steal her thunder.


And I'm Hoso of of distraction,

Jonathan Correia:

which ultimately led to the two of them going up the mountain standing up top waiting for the trapdoor to stop or drop, Stop, drop block bopping or whatever, and then no one falls? Dramatic.

Waylon Jordan:

I don't understand. I really don't. I mean, they're like, there will be consequences for saving you later. Why save one of them? Why have consequences? Why not just get rid of one of them at this point? You know,


my problem is is that whenever they're saying, Oh, you didn't follow Though directions you didn't do the look correctly for other people, you know and not Hoso. So then there's actual consequences where they get kicked out the show, like I'm thinking about when Coco goes to the bottom, and I'm spoiling the next episode, but when she's in Episode Seven, she goes to the bottom, because she didn't fully hit the task ahead of her. And but her outfit was amazing was fantastic. I love the look entirely. But then Hoso In Episode Six, like she just doesn't follow through with what she used to be doing share performance was terrible. The look wasn't that great, in my opinion. And she suddenly just gets kept in, because they decided to bend the rules. I don't understand this. I just don't I don't. I feel like it just fits whenever The Boulets just don't think somebody's ready to go yet?

Waylon Jordan:

Well, and it seems like yeah, the Bouletss are just making it up as they go. I mean, you know, I don't think so. I mean, there must be some kind of plan for all of this. But at the same time, it does come across with like, oh, well, we decided this week, we're not going to send anyone home because everyone worked really hard or whatever. And like, I don't get it. I don't get it. I mean, you have to eliminate people. I mean, this is the second time the first time we did this. We had Aborha Yeah. Came back. And then now they're doing it again. So I don't know. It does


make good TV. Like it's exciting and surprising. And so I think that's, you know, a big part of it, for sure. But I don't know, it just kind of feels a little bit like Boulets have favorites that they're pushing through.

Jonathan Correia:

It's hard to I don't know if it's hard to keep up or more so it kind of takes you out of it when you see the hands pulling the strings a bit too much. I think that was one of the problems I had I'm having with the keeping people around. Again, if at the top of Episode Two, they had said, you don't get to decide who goes home we do. Then it's like, oh, shit you were just faking everyone out with that voting out and now there's going to be drama, but instead we just got the trick for you treat for me, you know, which is which was lame. And then with this when you see the hands a bit too much again and it's I take it does take it out a little bit. That being said, I am glad to that neither of them went home. I think they're both great and strong performers and I'm really excited for what they do next, especially Eva because of the next episode. She fucking killed it with that sea monsters of the deep episode, which was a lot of fun. I mean, we get to see the fake out of everyone thinking Hoso went home for a minute and Eva just eating that up. Oh my gosh, she


she's a thespian,

Jonathan Correia:

she's like this my oppertunity to act. And you could see on Coco's face like Coco just like in the back because the cameras on Hashmi see Coco just be like no go


Coco doesn't believe her for one second. She's like, what something is going on here.

Waylon Jordan:

Coco was literally looking over her shoulder waiting for Hoso to come to the


meeting. Absolutely. She

Jonathan Correia:

knew she she read Coco is really good at reading people


she really is.

Jonathan Correia:

So with this creatures of the deep episode I know we haven't really talked about the fright feats. And five and six. That's because they were all right in a little brain eating a little arm wrestling. It's all cute, eating gross stuff and armwrestling to see who's the weakest one out of a group of people who all have skinny arms. You know, that's always fun and entertaining, but this week's fright feat was fucking horrendous.


Terrifying oh my god,

Jonathan Correia:

they had to go into a tunnel where at the end there's a gate and they had to work on a combination lock and then all of a sudden this the walls inflated so that they couldn't move as the tube gets lowered into water would that they couldn't escape and they had to do they like code in amount Time which honestly they were just like dunking the shit out of them and like waterboarding and basically

Waylon Jordan:

well that's what I was thinking I was like we're about to watch waterboarding on Dragula

Jonathan Correia:

that is what we watched


watched as somebody who's a bit claustrophobic and also like can't hold their breath underwater for very long like I was having like a panic attack just watching them be held in place underwater, just fully like screaming and like carrying around and like not knowing when it was opening up again, like when they would be free. Like it was very scary. And I don't think i would have

Waylon Jordan:

be dunked just once or if it was gonna happen multiple times. And yeah, that was pretty terrifying


The lock was definitely a like the lock didn't really actually mean anything. I don't think I think they just wanted to dunk them at the end because then they just were released afterwards but trying to think that you had a task to do and then this all this happening and not knowing if you had to solve the lock problem before he can get out like pretty terrifying.

Jonathan Correia:

No, it was definitely a fright feat that they were they kind of tricked him into thinking oh, you have a task when really We're just gonna be dunking you which is horrendous but I mean like That's old school of those challenges. You know, that's that's Dragula. That is hardcore Dragula. Don't get me wrong. That's probably the most hardcore thing they put people through but I definitely love when they get back to the boudoir and Coco is says the line. I'm a professional at drowning. What the fuck did that mean Coco Yeah. Like you don't just say I'm a professional at drowning bitch, what? No.


But it was really good that like when she explained her story about how she had almost drowned as a child. And then she No, and I'm really glad that she got to work on that as, as we've went, came back and said that Dragula is really good at helping you face your fears and put them out into the open and really forced you to come to terms with those. And so she's really intimately feeling that of this is a fear that I have, I had to directly face this if I want to continue this competition. And that's just what drag is really good at seen others work through their fears in previous seasons, you know, it was definitely inspiring to see that being said that was a fucked up thing they did. But I'm glad production I'm sure had safety measures to make sure everyone, you know, got out alive and was fine. So let's talk looks

Waylon Jordan:

Hagfish Hagfish fish


had totally had fishes. No, I

Waylon Jordan:

totally a hagfish. Can't you tell them I'm a hagfish I was like, Are


you really, really Korean thing. It's very surprising that people outside of Korea have no idea what this hagfish is.

Jonathan Correia:

So my look is inspired by this thing that is only eaten by people in this one region of the world and is only found there. And here I am in an area where it's not that area, and everyone's confused on what I am, I don't get it. I don't get it.

Waylon Jordan:

And not only am I going to dress as a hagfish but I'm going to wear this like pants and heels with it. Like I didn't get that part of the look either. I mean, I love Hoso but come on black QC that was pushing it that was really


touching that in ink an incomplete look like if you take all of your effort and do it in the top half it has a bit of like the Hoso aesthetic, you know the makeup and has like, I've really liked the fins around the head. That was interesting. But for the most part, it was just like the effort went to the top half no effort in the bottom half. And that was said to be a complete look. I don't know

Jonathan Correia:

we've had that critique before of Hoso having too much going on. And with this one it was not enough. There wasn't that good middle ground between the two the I love the slime what she was doing with the sign was very great. It was awesome. Her just like licking it up and like rubbing it everywhere. That was fantastic. But in the hands big fan of the hands, but the heels were just inappropriate for like what the look was going for. There was some work done on the pants, but it was just like, too obvious that it was painted or something. Yeah, it was it was like some like tentacle holes or something.


I don't know y'all I'm feeling very testy that Coco is in the bottom to this time and so now I'm just looking back at all these looks and comparing them to what she had done was saying that she wasn't complete in her look when Hoso absolutely was not completed her look I don't know it's just very confusing why she was in the bottom two

Waylon Jordan:

well and they were talking about they didn't get sea monster from it and I can see that to an extent but I don't know I don't know that that was very strange


things going on like the site not horse human creature and the gender play it all was very Dragula thought but it just wasn't scary enough I guess I get that she was doing a more of a sexy performance should have been more scary or something.

Jonathan Correia:

I think all those critiques were a bit much for the most part the one I think the one that was valid was that it wasn't nautical enough I guess you know it needed a bit


fins all over though. She had

Jonathan Correia:

like add it a little bit more because there was there except for like a few like stuff on the like armor pieces which there wasn't a whole lot from the armor pieces covering her. There wasn't a whole lot of aquatic stuff. And it was very, you know, Road Warrior esque, but I loved the idea of a road warrior like under underwater Road Warrior I was so here for that. I agree with the critique that she just needed something like a trident or a net or just like a couple more pieces to really sell that underwater or deepwater look and then she could have been a badass Road Warrior of Atlantis


like it was still like an underwater look. It wasn't as underwater as it should be. But when we're talking about going outside the box and being creative and showing like different gender and creative expressions and then we have Victoria being a scary fish which is great. Like it was a good look but very inside the box and then you have just and then back to Hoso again just I guess it's a it's a fish its hagfish it's doing its Hoso as a fish but only half done, but also very inside the box as didn't see as much creativity here except for like Eva's which Eva's was extremely creative.

Waylon Jordan:

You know, well even Yeah, she knocked it out of the park. That was that was an amazing look.

Jonathan Correia:



it was exciting to watch

Jonathan Correia:

you know some people complain that they were like, well what is she I guess there was some clam I guess there was some like jellyfish. That's what I loved about Eva's look is that it was an amalgamation of all these things she had the shape of a jellyfish but opened up like a clam, but acted like one of those like underwater creatures with the light in it. There was the beauty to pull you in. And then the monster that was within it was it was a great combination of everything without just being one thing. Like she wasn't just like an evil claim or something. You know, she was. She was Eva the underwater the deep water monster and it was

Waylon Jordan:

fantastic. And then there was mermaid fins and Melissa. Yeah, John, go ahead.


Melissa's wasn't perfect. But I I saw Melissa in there was like Melissa's aesthetic, which I think was

Waylon Jordan:

Yeah, totally oh


really kind of shot down a bit hard for being like what she does and what she is good at. It just didn't add up to what everybody else was doing. I love the light play with like the extra stuff that she had attached to her outfit just was the dress itself. But even the prosthetics, like the prosthetics are pretty scary. Just on her face, they completely covered her face.

Waylon Jordan:

They were scary. But at the same time, there was that beauty that glamour look, you know, and that's what I loved so much about it, because it really did the face and everything there was such, like, it was pretty at the same time. It was scary. And then she got, you know, dragged over the coals because she used basic sort of mermaid material to sort of make a gown, instead of you know, doing something more spectacular for the body work.

Jonathan Correia:

The look wasn't terrible. It was just a very early episode. Look, if that makes if that makes sense. That seems like the type of look that would get you safe when there's like nine other competitors, you know, right now, that was fine. Don't use that fabric ever again, though. But for like, what are we in the final five or six, like you can't


mean it could have what she was trying to do, she could have been trying to write the middle because she has been going through a lot of mental turmoil, these last couple of episodes. So something that just kind of like kept her there and kept her going, as she was saying that she was already thinking about quitting. So just something that maybe it wasn't on her brain to win this episode, but just to be able to get through

Jonathan Correia:

maybe and I mean, in that could have backfired because she talked about and they'd recapped it at the beginning of the episode about how her husband left her the week prior to coming on to the show. So she still had all that weighing on her and probably wasn't processing it. And I'm sure all the drama whether it's the love triangle, Asturd being a brat or just kind of everyone being two face and like, all this stuff.

Waylon Jordan:

Hoso being Hoso

Jonathan Correia:

not only all that, but like we have to remember that these people aren't just putting on a brand new fully conceptualized drag performance with a new look, trying to find the challenge each week, but they're also dealing with the reality show TV production. Like there's a lot going on. So I don't fault Melissa for when she is in the bottom this week, kind of being like you know what? I'm gonna tell everyone Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. You're okay. Fuck you and bouncing because I could see when she was entering in. I mean, I feel like she was processing a lot of stuff with the wrestling episode. And like was really there because she knew what she wanted from it. And maybe with this one, it was just kind of like, she couldn't quite maybe piece everything together and everything was just kind of get to her. So she did the best she could and then was just like, You know what? I'm in the bottom with my friend. I want her to keep going. I'm out. Which is a first and I wish the Blue Lace did not spoil that on their podcast. I really wish they hadn't said that someone was gonna quit. Because remember, I think Lindsey you and I were sitting there on like Episode Five and six going wait, so what hasn't quit yet didn't they mentioned on the podcast? Oh my God.


And the second that episode opened up with like, a reminder that Melissa's husband left her We looked at each other. We're like, oh my god is Melissa leaving this episode. God damn it. No,

Jonathan Correia:

I think you started saying that and I went shut up. I won't believe it. You did? You're like, shut up. Like Jon. No, I don't want to hear


Yeah, there to get through it.

Waylon Jordan:

I you know, I get her wanting to quit. I get her even having a

Jonathan Correia:

I get it meltdown. Because yeah, she's been going through a lot. What I had the biggest problem with is that in her meltdown, there was no responsibility on her own. And I'm sorry. Yeah, everybody in there. First of all, if you're coming in on a drag competition show and you don't expect drama and backbiting and all this other stuff that she seemed to have such a problem with through the entire season. I'm not sure why you're there. You know, if you if you don't want to deal with that, you know that that's going to be part of what you're dealing with every day. The second thing is, she's not innocent of all of that. I mean, she's been in the middle of it, too. She's been saying her own stuff. She in the first episode, she was like, we're gonna make an alliance and we're gonna do this and we're gonna do that, you know, and was right there in the beginning separating people out and there was just no responsibility on her side. things as she was having her meltdown and telling everybody else that they were awful people. And I think that was my biggest part of it.


I think she kind of came at it with the perspective that it is a game. And so she was trying to gamify it. And you know, with the trying to put people into alliances, the beginning, that's kind of a strategic way of going about it. And then there's a little bit more beyond just gamifying, in which personalities clash, you have actual friendships, relationships forming. And there's actual real life stuff that goes on here that you can't really just gamify in the way that easily put it into rules and sides and things like that, that might be in other kinds of game shows. And so maybe it's just like a different reality check on what goes on in reality shows I guess, but I mean, she did reference a lot about what might be going on outside of what we're seeing filmed that she had referenced a lot of Asturd talking down to production in one way right here. And that's all stuff that we just don't see on camera and so I'm wondering how much might be going on there that she just witnessing or how much of the interactions are all having behind screen so there it seems like there's just a lot going on also, or Victoria

Jonathan Correia:

to both Melissa said that Victoria went to the Boulets, to say that there were competitors that were throwing their looks together the day prior day of which included Coco


Victoria. Snitches get stitches. Okay, yeah, what

Waylon Jordan:

and this particular show might actually walk away with stitches. So yeah,


the why is she talking the Boulets about anything? I'm so confused. And also why is it a problem if they're like finishing up their stuff? Like before the performance is done before the performance?

Jonathan Correia:

It's one of those things where it's I mean, that concern it's been brought up in the past and previous seasons, people just throwing stuff together been thrown around this this season. If we remember, what is that? What is Aborha? Is she a broomstick? Or is she an alien? Is she a witch, you know, that's been thrown around with the production thing. We saw a little bit of it during the medieval episode of the D&D episode with the interactions with the director and stuff and Asturd was accused of going not letting the director do their thing. And Eva, just having them, you know, break down a bit. So I mean, yeah, there's a lot that we don't see that's going on, there's a lot that's on the editing floor, there's a lot that's not, it doesn't even make it onto camera that we're not seeing. And again, there's a lot to go on. I understand that when you're in that moment, and you're having that Fuck you, Fuck you, you're cool. Fuck you moment that you're not going to like announce your own partic- your own participation in it. You're not going to also go, Well, no, I was a dick with this too. So like, you're not you're going to be on you're going to be on the offense. But I think one of the best moments that happen with all that is Coco standing up and saying no, I need to go check on my friend. There's someone you know, we talked about sisterhood with this, we talked about being there for each other. And like when Melissa left, everyone had a comment that made it about themselves, except for Coco. Coco was the one that went out and talked with her and chatted with her. That's when Melissa was saying like, you know what, no, I'm, I just, I can't deal with this. I can't do this anymore. I need to go home, I don't want to be here anymore. And I want you to keep going with that it makes sense. There's there's certain points where like, all this stuff, because again, it's it's you're putting on it. You're conceptualizing and creating a brand new drag show every week, you have to give the reality show drama every week, you have to deal with production schedules, which I work in, they suck especially in reality shows the work in production is fucking hard, dude, it's it's at least 12 hour days, and then you so you're doing all that stuff to get the footage and the boudoir and then you got to go home and work on your look even more, you got to work on your routine even more, you got to do life stuff to like that's, that's got to be a lot. And then to have that, that your husband left you have that going on outside. And whatever else is, I think it was season three or season four, there was a contestant whose cat died, you know, and like a few other things happen outside and they were off for their game. Like it's a lot when you don't have that stability at home to also be dealing with the demands of making a reality show. So again, I don't blame her. I wish she didn't go out this way. But that's just because I love Melissa. I think she's such a great performer, great competitor, and I wish I could have seen more from her. And that sucks that she now has that. I don't I don't know. Because of her situation that stigma that she's the first to quit or the is the one who quit. But she does have that title now and that sucks, man.


Yeah, definitely. But to your point also about her husband leaving her that's like real legitimate drama. stuff is going on her life. And so then when everything is just so extremely petty in the boudoir, and just like things go on, they're just like, this isn't real life, folks. Why are we behaving like this, it's doesn't make any sense. This isn't like what I'm dealing with in my real life. So let's just like move on past this, but people just don't move on past it. very childish.

Jonathan Correia:

So now that was episode seven, Melissa is gone. And we have


I want to mention real quick oh yes when Alyssa is gone, but when she did the drop like any other person who leaves this this season, and the Boulets didn't change the script at all, like there was no acknowledgement from them at all that show quit instead of being kicked out forcefully. So I don't I another problem I'm having right now is let's acknowledge that she decided to leave and let Coco stay. And the Boulets made it seem like we've decided that you're not fit to continue on with Dragula. And so we're going to send you back into the deep and so I don't I wish that you all

Waylon Jordan:

think that we'll address that in the next episode. We know that Queens will in one way or another but likely will


in doubt Boulets

Waylon Jordan:

will the Boulets?

Jonathan Correia:

I know in previous these I think it was the one where in the first season when the contestant didn't go in the plane? Or is that season two, I think it was season two, two, they were very pissed about it in the next episode. And they're like, if you're not going to participate, blah, blah, blah, you know, I just remember is that someone did something and they came back in the next episode. And they're like, how fucking dare that person? They're gone. They're less involved on screen than they were in the earlier seasons with this. So I don't know. I feel like there was a lot of decisions made to stick to the script. A. I think it's easier as sticks with the format and the formula of how the episodes play out. I think it's also a bit of a cop out to kind of avoid any, I don't want to say to avoid any responsibility of involvement of someone quitting, but maybe to just like maybe not address it.


It'd be so easy for them to be like, Melissa, you have chosen not to continue on to becoming the Dragula's next super monster. We will now send you into the deep. Yeah,

Jonathan Correia:

yeah, I think addressing it a little bit would have maybe been a bit better


if it changing the script for a lot of things, but not that. Yeah. Anyway, that's just a little critique I have there for you. Boulets. No, I love you don't burn me to a crisp.

Waylon Jordan:

We haven't talked about any of the guest judges for this round. But like, can we just stop and appreciate for a moment that like Barbara Crampton still looks amazing. Like, like, I don't know how old she is now, but she looks like she did 20 years ago. I love Barbara Crampton. And she was absolutely gorgeous on that episode with Tananarive Due for the prom episode. I loved that and loved seeing them there together for that.

Jonathan Correia:

They were both fantastic. And yeah, Barbara Crampton is a forever crush for me. Like I remember being a kid and watching From Beyond way too young on like, Who is this lady and then later on watching Re-Animator just be like, What are you doing to her? But yeah, she's always great. They were such fantastic hosts and I love Tananarive Due I love her she's great with her classes on Horror She did some amazing features for Candyman such great insight on film and its representation and everything she, those two are one of the things that I love when people are guest judges on this, but I hate that they don't get to discuss like more like, you know what I mean? Like I wish

Waylon Jordan:

like what they're actually about. Like, I

Jonathan Correia:

wish the Boulets would do like an after talk show of just like, hey, these were the guest judges on this episode and we're just going to interview them about their lives. That would be fantastic. I would I would love that especially them on


the podcast, right?

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, we've tried to get Barbara on before Barbara if you're listening. No,


no, I'm saying the Boulets should have these judges on their podcast and kind of chat about it there

Jonathan Correia:

1,000% I think they should do follow ups and then just discuss them for wrestling. We had Poppy and Katya.


Yes, please say the last name say last name.

Jonathan Correia:

I don't know Poppy's. Last name she just says the one name


Tatiana Tatiana's emo chick over

Jonathan Correia:

Zamolo she could go over I can't I'm sorry.


Sorry Katya we love you.

Jonathan Correia:

Fucking love Katya. She did not let anybody go that episode? She came after everyone. What was the line was about the shoes. I think it was Swanthula was like she's like, Yeah, I you know, I don't like your thing. She's like, I want to put you in jail for your shoes.


She was like for Hoso in her boots. She was like I'm gonna put you under house arrest for your gogo boots. I'll still fuck you though.

Jonathan Correia:

Right? Because that was her whole bid. She's like, girl, you should be in jail for those shoes. How dare you you're a psychopath arrest. It was to Asturd Yeah cuz Asturd had on those shoes. She's like, How dare you you should be in prison. Is


it oh, that's another thing Yeah, she said she's a lunatic for those shoes.

Jonathan Correia:

house arrest but I'll still fuck you Jesus Christ.


That definitely makes me want to watch their show. What show is that?

Jonathan Correia:

Katya has a great YouTube series where it's her and Trixie Mattel

Waylon Jordan:

Mattel Yeah, that's


right. I gotta watch that.

Jonathan Correia:

I need to catch up. I mostly just watched clips from it, but those two are just they're so fucking funny. I need to rewatch Katya critiques from this episode she flat out some bangers


we forgot about the ultimate banger though in that episode. Coco saying gay

Jonathan Correia:

Oh my guys did you know how did we miss this guys? Guys Guys, Coco liked my tweet. Well, because the whole episode like three times in the episode, Coco was just in the back and just GAY! Just just like beautiful Ken Jeon's character and community and so right after the episode premiered I shared the GIF of Ken Jeon going GAY! it was just like Coco the entire episode. She liked it guys


she liked it

Jonathan Correia:

validation! I could wrap this podcast up we don't need to do anything more Coco liked when we wanted

Waylon Jordan:

we just wanted someone to validate our feelings.


Specifically Coco

Jonathan Correia:

Specifically, and then yeah, for the guest judges in the seventh episode we had two returning competitors we had Saint and Dalhi which was always Fantastic


my favorites right? Waylon

Waylon Jordan:

oh come on now when but when the Boulets looked at Dalhi was like after $100,000 and you still can't buy a fucking wig? Yeah, I died

Jonathan Correia:

you died at that comment? I died at Dalhi's Non-read of again because I don't wear wigs is it was just such a non response like you would think that she would have said something clever but no, it's Dalhi. She She just you know yeah, she's just very creative and very pretty.


Honestly, I think Dalhi won the look competition for that episode. Absolutely beautiful. Yeah, coloring face and with her little spots on it and the metallic face armor. So beautiful.

Jonathan Correia:

I think I refered to it as like a heavy metal face Tierra.


Yeah, that's what it was.

Jonathan Correia:

And Saint was gorgeous. Again,


I love Saint and wants to see more of see more of Saint going back

Jonathan Correia:

to Coco's read of oh, that's rich Saint saying I was too slow. Not enough energy in my performance.


Fugu Beautiful beautiful.

Jonathan Correia:

So we have our top five right? predictions. How are we feeling about our top five we got Eva, we got Hoso We got Coco, Asturd, and Victoria.


I like how they gave their predictions in this episode was kind of telling to see who they thought would go to the end.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, from what it sounded like. No one thought Asturd and Eva were gonna make it but then Eva won that competition won that week so I mean, what who you guys thinking top three?


My top predictions,

Jonathan Correia:

predictions and then walks if they're different?


Well, I think it's going to be Coco. Victoria. And Asturd, really? It was just a very weird for me to say really

Jonathan Correia:

She hasn't won a single cometition.



Jonathan Correia:

Yeah. She doesn't want a single week.


I think her looks have just been escalating. I want to say Eva, but I think she's going to self destruct. And Hoso I am extremely I'm just so annoyed at her right now that i can't comprehend her getting to the end. I'm very tired of it. I just don't want that to happen anymore. I would rather her leave. So that's what I want to get the the end I guess.

Jonathan Correia:

I also feel like Hoso's looks have not been strong the last few weeks.


She has like her one looked down. And she keeps doing doing riffs off of it. And people just accept that. Oh, is this Hoso doing something? So it must be amazing when it's due to some critique? Let's open her up for critiques

Jonathan Correia:


Waylon Jordan:



it's a very difficult question.

Jonathan Correia:

It is. That's why I'm having you guys go first

Waylon Jordan:

going on Victoria, Coco. Eva, I think those other two are going to self destruct. I think it's gonna come down to it. And I think Eva's gonna pull through. I think that Eva when everybody expects her to go, pulls out something amazing almost every time and I don't know. That's where I'm sitting right now. That's who I think the top three is going to be. Yeah. And also, who I want the top three to be. So I'm good with that.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, I mean, it's we're definitely at a point in the competition where a bad week gets you out hard. Yeah. Even if you're a strong performer and we saw that with these last two episodes those were very strong performers that just had very rough weeks I mean


Eva, Eva did not do well in the wrestling competition, which is another reason why I think that she is going to self destruct there's gonna be a point where she thinks she's doing okay. And she gets like

Jonathan Correia:

she had a very safe look that week. But again, there's no room for safe anymore

Waylon Jordan:

you know, there's there's not enough room for not in this in this few competitors. There's there's no place for safety right now. They've got to go out.


I don't even think it was safe. I think it was lazy. I mean, she just focused on these leg prosthetics that weren't even big enough. I mean, it was it was cool. It was great. I don't know. I thought

Jonathan Correia:

it was great. I'm a big fan of what she does with their lives and stuff. I'm sorry. I just it sounds like I was dismissing you. I was sitting there going like why is no one praising to your Face make up? Because it was really great. I don't know if it read wrestler as much but


Well, then why don't you go marry her face makeup? God.

Jonathan Correia:

I just want I just want someone to do that for me.


Well, speaking of face makeup, it's Coco. Riding the Coco train so hard. Hilda white mark so she's doing along her face? Just like the highlighter perfection. The perfection? Yeah. Top three, Jon.

Jonathan Correia:

Top three is Coco.


Say it, spit it out

Jonathan Correia:

like, I'm going through the photos of the last one. But here's my thing. I can honestly see everyone having a breakdown. If that makes sense. I feel like any five of these are ready for that kind of a meltdown bad week next week. I feel like it's going to happen. I feel like we're going to see someone very, very strong gone next week, which is why it's


I mean, everybody left is very strong. I think Melissa like, was the one that was still kind of teetering a little bit. Everybody else is extremely strong players

Jonathan Correia:

I know. And that's why I'm like, I mean, like Victoria is. It's like the obvious choice, but I have a feeling man, because she's done it before. She's done it before where she's gotten really close, and then just did something where it was just like, Girl No. And I mean, but yes, if we're gonna base it off of track records and everything and not just like impending feelings of doom, I think it is going to be Coco. I think it is going to be Victoria. And I'm gonna go with Eva, mostly because Asturd can't perform for shit. No,

Waylon Jordan:

and we all agree that Hoso is out.

Jonathan Correia:

My apologies, Asturd, that was a strong critique.


I changed her performance. She need to change it up. Yeah, but I like it.

Jonathan Correia:

I thought what we saw of her because again, we don't see their full performances. But what we saw of the octopus in the beginning when she was swaying left and right. I was like, Oh, I didn't even recognize her. I was like, Who the fuck is this? That is amazing. She is swaying like an octopus on the floor. And then they showed her just like, wapping around with them. Oh, yeah. Oh, God, girl you need, you need to, I don't know, you need to do some like Wii Zumba or something. And learn some new moves


she does really good body movements. She's able to like move around the stage and use the stage quite well and do these back bends and stuff, which I think is really interesting. But she needs to read the character a bit more and do do what the character needs.

Jonathan Correia:

I'm sad. We're not going to see something as blasphemous as Melissa's filth performance.


Melissa didn't really bring that filth.

Jonathan Correia:

She didn't really bring it that season until that moment, in which case it was a total what? I wish people would do more with that. But I also think that that was like the punk rock YouTube era of Dragula before they had to adhere to like FCC regulations. And,


you know, so we have two more episodes left. Stay tuned.

Jonathan Correia:

It's anyone's game. We got two contestants that are supposed to go which two? Or is there gonna be two gone? They've done it before where they did a top four instead of a top 3 oh wait No, they said they would never do that again.


Well, we still have what they say when or nobody went home yesterday.

Jonathan Correia:



consequences. We have consequences. Look forward to I think if the consequences

Waylon Jordan:

bringing back Aborha, I'm going to be pissed. That's all I'm saying. What


Wouldn't that be funny though? Wouldn't that be gaggy? Aborha is back!

Waylon Jordan:

If they bring her back, I'm off the podcast. I'm just not gonna do it anymore.

Jonathan Correia:

Well, this has been great. I'm sorry that we haven't been able to meet in a while. But we got two episodes left to this. I'm looking forward to what's coming up next. Let's hope that we get back to competition maybe calm down on the drama a bit. Any final thoughts before we get out of here?


I'm excited to see where we're heading with this. And I think we you know, like we said there's a lot of strong competitors and it's really cool to see, though, let's get narrowed down to the top one, you know, like who is it gonna be?

Waylon Jordan:

Yeah, and if this season has proven anything to us, it's that we don't know the rules. Obviously we don't know what's really going On we every time we think we have things figured out, the Boulet Brothers pull something out that we didn't expect. So yeah, I think it's a wild card game for the rest of this season.

Jonathan Correia:

Cheers to the Boulets for keeping the spirit of early 2000s Trash reality TV alive. No where else are we getting stuff like this we are getting Flavor of Love level reality drop. Oh, beautiful. Yeah,


it's only thing keeping us going in this year 2022

Jonathan Correia:

remember that contest and spit on the other one on Flavor of Love. That was insane. Anywho so thank you all for coming for another episode of talking Titans a one off of Eye On Horror, the official podcast of iHorror.com. You can find us on any of the Eye On Horror social media accounts. We're on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Lindsey where can we find you if you want to be found?


I am managing all set accounts. So send me a message on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and say hi

Jonathan Correia:

don't look up our personal ones their boring. Waylon? Where can we find you on social media

Waylon Jordan:

Instagram Wavelan.Jordan, WaylonVox1 on Twitter and also Off Limits Press on Twitter. That is where you'll find my publishing company. And you can check out our latest book, which is Divergent Terror, and it is a collection of essays from queer authors from around the world talking about their relationship to the horror genre. Check it out. It's really cool,

Jonathan Correia:

Fuck. Yeah, dude, I'm gonna have to get myself a copy artwork is by Chris Fisher and the music is sped up. Restless Spirit. Don't forget to check them out. So we'll see you guys all in time. We'll figure out another time to get back together and discuss the next we'll see how our schedules work out. But until then, I'm Jonathan Correia.


I'm Lindsay

Waylon Jordan:

and I'm Waylon

Jonathan Correia:

and keep talking Titans


Talking Titans. Eith Eye on Horror

Jonathan Correia:



Talking Titans Eye On Horror.

Jonathan Correia:

Bye. Keep keep your eye on horrors while like you're talking titans


Titans are talking y'all

Waylon Jordan:

whatever you say.


Titans are Gossiping, gossiping Titans.

Jonathan Correia:

We will have a decent sign off by the time this ends

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Murmurs From the Morgue Artwork

Murmurs From the Morgue

Murmurs From the Morgue