Eye On Horror

Top Tens For 2022

iHorror Season 5 Episode 20

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This week, the boys review The Mean One, The Whale, And Glass Onion before listing off their Top Tens for 2022! Not as many carry overs between their lists this year, So what movies take the top spots?*


*Reminder, theses are purely opinions of individuals with different tastes who also haven't seen everything

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James Jay Edwards:

Welcome to Eye On Horror, the official podcast of iHorror.com. This is episode 98 Otherwise known as season five, Episode 20. I am your host James Jay Edwards and with me as always is your other host Jacob Davison, how you doing Jacob?

Jacob Davidson:

Doing great. been on vacation for the holidays, visiting family in Connecticut going well,

James Jay Edwards:

is it cold out there?

Jacob Davidson:

Actually, it's been kind of warm like it's been in the 50s. But ya know, it's been fun. I just saw the Indigo Girls last night and I did my annual visit to the Vinegar Syndrome archive in Bridgeport and got some new stuff. So that was pretty cool.

James Jay Edwards:

Also with us, as always, is your other other hosts Jon Correia. How you doing? Correia.

Jacob Davidson:

I'm doing great. I'm wearing my poncho, and everything is fantastic. As everyone knows, it's impossible to be unhappy in a poncho.

James Jay Edwards:

We're going to this is Top 10 List episode. But before we get into that, there's a couple things that we did see recently you only spent too much time on but we are kind of excited about them. So yeah, Correia. What do you see?

Jacob Davidson:

So this weekend, it's the weekend of midsummer screams seasons screaming seasons grieving sees I always season screaming There we go. I was screwed up. And so we were able to sneak in some time yesterday. First of all, they Your mean Deadpool? had an amazing Nightmare Before Dragmas performance, which included my one of my favorites, Disasterina, and also just Dragpool performed. And yes, drag pool is a drag queen who

Jonathan Correia:

or Deadpool. What did I say? dresses up like Dragpool and she was amazing. Yeah, Dragpool dresses up as Dragpool that

Jacob Davidson:

Dragpool? makes so much sense. I'm sorry, folks. It's early. That was That was incredible. But yeah, they had a Secret Screening hosted by Dead Meat at mid summer seasons season screenings. And we had no idea what it was until the moment before they showed it. And it turns out it was for the new movie, The Mean One, which if you haven't heard about it, The Mean One is a horror movie spoof of Ron Howard's How the Grinch Stole Christmas

James Jay Edwards:

Fnch. How the FInch!

Jonathan Correia:

Well, yeah, they it's full unauthorized parody. And I say specifically that it's the Jim Carrey one because as my fiance who is a mega fan of that movie pointed out, it's like direct references to that movie all throughout it. They set it in like an actual they make they make it like it was a real thing. And that the The Mean One because they can't call it The Grinch because they don't have any of the rights there's a few funny is a real monster that just hates Christmas and keeps murdering people. Overall, it's, it was pretty fun. I'll admit like, I don't know if I would have watched it if it wasn't for that screening. It's definitely limited by its budget. I wish I had I wish I had a few more weeks in post for sound mixing, and a lot of the effects but it's some of the kills. Left me lacking but you know what, it was a lot of fun. Watching it with the crowd was really great.

James Jay Edwards:

Is this the actual release version you saw? Or is it? Are they still gonna go back and cat's away the wedding rings and

Jonathan Correia:

it comes out in four days. So

James Jay Edwards:

then this is what they're getting? Okay.

Jonathan Correia:

It's a lot of fun. Lindsey says it's gonna be a part of her Christmas tradition, which is cool. I'll go play Spider-Man during that, but no, I did have a lot of fun with a that was really funny. They had some really weird jokes that kept repeating themselves throughout it. So yeah, if I mean, at the end of the day, it felt like a like 2006 Funny or Die skit stretched out into a feature length. If that sounds awesome to you, dude, you're gonna have so much fun.

Jacob Davidson:

Also, the thing that interested me about it is that the mean one is played by David Howard Fortin, the guy that plays art the clown and the Terrifier movies.

Jonathan Correia:

Wow, okay. Yeah, that and he was he was great like he did. He did a very menacing Jim Carrey. Like he got the hand movements. He got the sassiness with the. One of one of the things that like? I really enjoyed, He doesn't The Mean One doesn't talk. It's all just like animalistic grunts and stuff. And so there was like the body movements and language in the movie. Were so good. I was like, Man, I bet he could do I mean, I want to hear that Jim Carrey voice but I'm glad they did do that, because then it would have been like, too much, you know? But yeah, that got a little slow in some parts, but anytime the main one showed up that movie found its footing real fast. One

James Jay Edwards:

thing that I saw that since since we are doing new stuff, and I don't wanna spend too much time on this because it's not technically horror, but as Darren Aronofsky who's always a little horror, I saw The Whale which is that new big festival darling movie and it's, it's crazy. It's probably my favorite quote non horror movie of the year so far. It's it this is the movie that you've been seeing all over the internet with Brendan Fraser in this massive fat suit. And he gives the performance of a lifetime mainly because he does so much acting with just his eyes because he's in all this makeup and prosthetics. The whole thing and the entire cast it's not just him That's amazing. It's the entire cast is great and mostly take it's adapted from a play. So it mostly takes place in just his apartment which is partially because the guy is so fat he can't leave his apartment. But it's also partially just for economy sake and but you know, there's other characters he has a nurse he has a daughter there's a Jehovah's Witness for lack of a better thing. They're actually from a lot I think they call it first Life Church. But anyway, it's it's incredible. And it Aronofsky is harder than any Aronofsky movie has ever Aronofsky in place up, if you like, you know, movies like Mother! and The Wrestler, and you know, Requim for A Dream, The Whale is is awesome.

Jacob Davidson:

And if and if I may make a another recent release, or mentioned another recent release that I want to bring up quickly, that's not exactly horror, but has kind of some of those elements. I managed to see. Glass Onion the knives out sequel in theaters. Yeah, I was visiting family. It was a great movie to see with my dad. And yeah, no, it was it was a lot of fun. You know, it's basically a Agatha Christie, like, mystery movie with a bunch of rich characters on island and Ben Benoit Blanc is there and I was I gotta give props to Edward Norton, who plays probably one of the most fun, funny kind of asshole tech bro type characters I've seen in film in a while. And I did feel like Rian Johnson had a bit of a Giallo influence because there's even a point where a character wears black gloves. And it did feel like something kind of out of early Argento, or Bava or something like that. And which is why also I really want a Knives Out movie where they just put Benoit Blanc in a Scream moving.

Jonathan Correia:

I've been pretty fun. Yeah.

Jacob Davidson:

Knives Out versus Scream, I'd watch that.

James Jay Edwards:

Let's let's move on. Because we're already running behind. And we have a lot to talk about.

Jacob Davidson:

We're having too much fun.

James Jay Edwards:

We're gonna we're going to our top 10 list, and let's go alphabetically by first name this year. So let's go Jacob, James, John.

Jonathan Correia:

Well, I just want to before we get into our top 10s remind everybody that this is not our full time job. We don't get to watch every release, we are going to be missing titles. And this is just our ones that we really loved this were all art is subjective,

James Jay Edwards:

all top 10s I mean, even even if something we've seen, it's not on our list. There's elevens and twelves, too.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, I'm editing get my list as we speak.

James Jay Edwards:

Alright, let's go. Jacob. What's your number? 10.

Jacob Davidson:

All right, coming in at number 10 would be Ty Wes Pearl.

James Jay Edwards:

Pearl. Okay. Okay, cool. I have a feeling that's not the first time. It's not the last time we're going to hear about Pearl today.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, no, I mean, that was a pretty big one this year. Ya know, I thought it was just such an interesting horror movie, especially after seeing X and I was lucky enough because, you know, there's plenty that came out the same year as X. And usually prequels don't have this close of a, you know, time together to the original so

James Jay Edwards:

but usually we don't have a quarantine too

Jacob Davidson:

do. But ya know, so I, I was fortunate enough to see X in theaters and you know, earlier this year, and then it played again at the New Beverly back to back with X so I was able to see them sequentially. And I really liked that X but Pearl really stood out to me both as kind of like a very untraditional slasher, and more kind of a throwback to a combination of the Golden Age of Hollywood and more psychological or kind of old school horror like Psycho or Strait-jacket, but just kind of in a The 1910s and also just the biggest draw of course being me a gos performance as Pearl because that should blew me away especially that monologue. You guys remember the monologue?

James Jay Edwards:

Thats gonna win her awards?

Jacob Davidson:

Oh, I hope it does. Because, you know, just because, you know, it started and it kept going and I was thinking like, how long is it gonna go on and, you know, not in a bad way just that it's it was very enthralling because, you know, she draws you in with her psychosis stuff, but she, you know, is able to give such a delivery. And also, you know, just there is such great moments of tension, you know, like when she's taking care of her dad after, you know, dealing with her mom and her invalid father's just like, just knows that her daughter that his daughter is, like, completely lost hit, somebody can't do anything. So, ya know, there was a lot of really liked in that my number My number 10 I actually just watched last night for the first

James Jay Edwards:

10 is Crimes of the Future, the new Cronenberg movie, Cronenberg is probably my favorite director if someone held a gun to my head and said, Well, who's your favorite director, I would have to say Cronenberg. This is kind of a throwback to his you know, quote cool Cronenberg. You know, this isn't Eastern Promises History of Violence, Cronenberg, this is eXistenz, you know, The Brood Cronenberg and it's it's just a lot of fun, just as splattery gory, just, you know, sci fi dystopia, you know, it's not the same as his old student film of the same name. It looks like it's in the same universe. So but yeah, Crimes of the Future is my number 10. Korea you're number 10 time and it is it quickly became one of my most anticipated movies of the year even though I only found out about it a couple of weeks ago. And it is Troll. Troll is was directed by I'm so bad with Norwegian names, but his name is roar. You can't mess this guy No.

Jonathan Correia:

Roar outta ugh. I'm so sorry, guys. But anyways, Troll is from the producers of my favorite I'm buried in award screeners and I'm kind of behind on a lot disaster series, The Wave, The Quake and The Burning Sea, and it's a Norwegian troll kaiju film from those guys. And I can tell you right now it delivers on all those fronts. It handles the kaiju moments, epically. There's a beautiful landscape shots. There's a lot of heart to it. And just like the what they did with the wave, and out and all those movies, it hits every single note of plot and characters when it comes to of the stuff but I think I'm gonna watch it Troll tonight. I disaster movies and kaiju movies, but they actually make the characters three dimensional. There's the paleontologist who gets pulled in but she's not. Then she's like, why am I getting pulled into a military thing and then they reconnect with her father who is an expert on trolls. But everyone calls him crazy because he thinks trolls is real. But they handle it really well in the mythology of trolls and tying it into the Christianization of Norway is really good and the character of the troll is a very tragic will not be on it. monster. It's a hell of a good time and it's on Netflix. If none of that sounds appealing to you, then you can stop listening to me talk forever. Troll is just a hell of a fun time. It's so much fun. It's not a masterpiece, but it is so much fun.

James Jay Edwards:

Let's let's roll to number nine Jacob what's your number nine?

Jacob Davidson:

Okay, coming in at number nine for me would be Chloe Okuno's Watcher.

James Jay Edwards:

Okay, this is the movie not the Netflix series. Yeah.

Jacob Davidson:

Now that movie by Chloe Okuno not the Netflix cool. My number nine is Pearl, which Jacob pretty much already series, which is a totally different thing. Yeah, no, Watcher, again, something I was fortunate enough to see in theaters. And, ya know, it was just such an intense Thriller Horror movie. And, you know, we were talking about Perfect Blue before we started the show. And, you know, I remember Claudia Kuno, talking about how that was an influence, and it really showed but in a very effective way that as she makes it her own, is, you know, it's like the, you know, this woman, you know, thinks she's being followed and is very strict POV a and I just felt like it was such a masterclass and tension building and a combination of kind of, you know, like kind of societal comfort and you know, stuff with manners because, you know, it's like, you know, do you think you're being followed or are you going to be rude by you know, like, this thing this random stranger. And ya know, just Micah Monroe gave a phenomenal performance Burn Gorman, you know, he real real creepy performance. So you know, just, it was really great cat and mouse horror type of film said everything there is to say about Pearl Um, what struck me most about Perl is how different it is from X basically I mean for a companion piece that's obviously a companion piece it is so different visually and story wise. And I mean it it's just amazing how much of a tribute to like the Wizard of Oz is you know, I mean you know from like the bicycle riding to the Scarecrow to you know, just the Technicolor dream of it all. But anyway, Pearl is my number nine, Correia number nine. My number nine is Studio 666. Yes. Which, which was very surprising for me. I liked the Foo Fighters but I'm not a fan, if that makes sense. Like I feel like I haven't hit that level of like dad mindset yet to get to be that into Foo Fighters, but I respect the shit out of them.

James Jay Edwards:

I think I'm a fan of the guys more than the music. I mean, I like the music, but they seem like dudes that I just want to hang out with.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, and I respect the shit out of them even more after this movie, just because it came out of nowhere. It didn't seem like a thing that they would do. And they're not actors and they lean into it. And you know, I know with a lot of like Top Ten's it's always like best man you know this this guy I want to do include to at least two movies that were just have fun as hell and Studio 666 is just that that it's it's so much fun. I Yeah, it's that's that's gonna be a yearly watch. I think for me cool.

James Jay Edwards:

Number eight, Jacob.

Jacob Davidson:

Okay, coming in at number eight would be Joseph and Vanessa winters Deadstream. Which did you get to see that? No,

James Jay Edwards:

I haven't gotten to it yet. Yeah, it sounds like it's right up my alley,

Jacob Davidson:

though. Oh, yeah. No, it's a lot of fun. And I thought it was just a very clever reinvention of found footage movie for modern times, while also kind of keeping the DNA of a lot of great horror comedies like Evil Dead and all that. And yeah, so it's basically about this like YouTube Live streamer guy who did something really bad so he's in a lot of controversy to so decides for like a stunt to get his audience back. He's going to spend a night in a haunted house, but he's equipted with all these cameras and he's got this rig on himself. And shit goes bananas and it's yeah it's it's really entertaining and it's funny too because like Joseph Winter one of the directors actually is the star of it. And he puts himself for a lot of Bruce Campbell type splats stick and stuff like he gets a dead finger up his nose and he gets smacked around he falls downstairs like all that type of stuff. And ya know, it's it's kind of it almost feels like a found footage. Side Story Evil Dead movie. But, ya know, I had a lot of fun with it. And it's, you know, it's one of those things with like, you know, like people say found footage is dead and then something comes along to give it a real kick in the ass and I feel like that stream was that

James Jay Edwards:

Oh, my number eight speaking of having a lot of fun with a movie Barbarian

Jacob Davidson:

oh yes

James Jay Edwards:

Barbarian is one as we were talking before we rolled the before we hit record that our lists there's a lot of stuff that I feel like should be higher on my list but I don't know what would go lower to replace it barbarian is one of those because I loved it so much. And it's the kind of theatrical experience where I wish that I I wish that I had a more because I went into it not knowing anything about the movie on the the recommendation of people I know who had seen it, including Jacob. And it is just so much fun because it is whatever movie you think it is. It is not and I don't even want to talk about it too much right here because anybody who hasn't seen it, I mean, it's just one of those you know, just go into a completely blind and it is so much fun. And it just it goes places. Anyway, Barbarian is my number eight. What's your eight Korea?

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, avoid all the trailers for Barbarian and then watch the two that they released afterwards just to see how much fun they had. They must have had with the marketing of

James Jay Edwards:

that I accidentally saw a trailer before it happened. But the trailer, the one that I saw at least didn't give anything away. It was just the Airbnb one.

Jonathan Correia:

Okay, because there's another one where it's called Justin Long's new movie.

James Jay Edwards:


Jacob Davidson:

that's, that's what it's called. It's so good. My number A was Prey. And yes, I'm a huge predator fan. Huge, huge, huge. And prey was just everything I wanted from a a Predator movie and more it was back to basics about doing a new spin on it. And seeing it at Beyond Fest with a crowd, in Comanche was just an awesome, awesome experience. And I you know, it's just just for that moment where they said if it bleeds, we can kill it. In Comanche with the with the crowd, it was one of my top theater moments of 2022

James Jay Edwards:

I love that they did a Comanche dub of that too, because it when I first saw it, it was in English and I'm like, this is gonna get this I'm like, this is gonna get some hate that fact that they're speaking English but then it comes out that they did the Comanche that moment. Okay. Yeah, because the screeners they sent out were in English, at least the one I

Jonathan Correia:

got. Yeah. And I understand why they would film it in English just to like, have it be, you know, for distribution purposes

James Jay Edwards:

accessibility. Yeah.

Jonathan Correia:

But um, I'm really glad that they went back and dubbed it. Yeah.

James Jay Edwards:

Especially because they used indigenous actors. Yeah, you know, so and that's what confused me about am I called there's no way these people don't know this language. So yeah, it's,

Jonathan Correia:

it's, yeah, it's a hell of a good time.

Jacob Davidson:

And culturally, it was important that they dubbed it in Comanche because it's like one of the only movies to ever feature like a full comanche does like that.

Jonathan Correia:

And to have like so many of those folks just in front and behind this screen. Yeah. And it's a god damn Predator movie. It's so much fun.

James Jay Edwards:

Well, that's, that's my new thing. I want their I want the new, the next big cinematic trend to be stealth predator movies, like you have a movie, you think about the Civil War, and then they drop a Predator in there, or you know, a movie that you think is about like, you know, King Arthur's, like we were talking about what kind of predator you could drop a predator into any situation. And it works.

Jonathan Correia:

I need Jacobs World War Two trench drift Predator movie.

Jacob Davidson:

Oh, yeah. World War One Predator movie? Yeah, I need

James Jay Edwards:

it. Number seven, what's your number seven,

Jacob Davidson:

Okay, coming in at number seven, I went with Ali Jacob. Abbasi's Holy Spider, which if you didn't see, it's basically a serial killer movie, based off an actual serial killer that operated in Iran in the early 2000s, who was called The Spider Killer and targeted sex workers throughout the Arabian city of Mashad. And yeah, no, just I saw that Beyond Fest. And it was very intense, it definitely felt like seeing, it was how I felt

when I saw Henry:

Portrait of a Serial Killer. And you know, just how grounded and dark and just disturbing it was, and with the addition of, you know, kind of dealing with a lot of social and religious issues in Iran, that, you know, even though set in the early 2000s, and keep in mind that this movie came out, while the Iran protests were and still continued to happen. So it just felt particularly powerful because of that.

James Jay Edwards:

It's an Iranian movie then.

Jacob Davidson:

Yes, yes, it well. Well, is made, actually, I think it was made by Iranians. But I don't think it was actually made in Iran. Yeah, no, it was made in Europe. But yeah, all the Ali Abbasi is Iranian. Like, I don't think they I don't think they would allow a movie like this to be made in Iran. That's

James Jay Edwards:

what I was wondering. Well, that's not an easy feat. If you if they made it, right.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah. No, but yeah, it was very, very disturbing. Very intense, but definitely very, very relevant. And unfortunately,

Jonathan Correia:

added that to my watch list.

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, absolutely. My number seven is Nope, I'm a huge Jordan Peele fan. This is the lowest that one of his movies has shown up on my list because Get Out was my number one of that year and US was I think my number two of that year. This one is I don't think it's as good as those two but it is still just for lack of a better word, an alien invasion movie, although it's way more than that. And it's one of those movies like all of Jordan peels movie sector the more you notice the more that you think about it the more you're like this is this is good you know this is a good fit this is another one that I feel like it should be higher but there's nothing I would put lower so yeah, Nope if you like those big grant this is him. This is Jordan Peele branching out into like that big Roland Emmerich style disaster kind of movies and and he does it he does a great

Jonathan Correia:

Nope, is fantastic. And if you haven't watched the writers roundtable, that Variety did he gets in a real good discussion with the writer of Till and it just made me want to do a double feature of Nope and Till since they both both movies talk about the black American experience with photo photography and photos. Oh, I was like, Damn, that sounds like such a cool double feature and they were bouncing off each other. So it's an hour long but it's so good that roundtable

James Jay Edwards:

wow, I didn't even get that correlation. But you're right. They both are. What's your number seven, Correia.

Jonathan Correia:

My number seven is Crimes of the Future. Because Cronenberg I don't view his action films as a slump, mostly just because I only recently watched Eastern Promises and that movie floored me.

James Jay Edwards:

slump is not if I don't think I said slump. But I don't think it's a slump. It's

Jonathan Correia:

I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. went he just did a different kind of weird Sorry,

James Jay Edwards:

there's a difference. There's a difference for a for a decade or two then as usual and I feel like crabs when you're really Cronenberg and late Cronenberg and you know like the Dangerous Method, you know, Maps to the Stars. Cronenberg is like an Oscar chasing Congress. That's maybe what it is. Maybe I'm picking Oscar bait versus buckets of are the future was that perfect combination of old school and gore, and Crimes of The Future is a return or into the buckets or more he just newer Cronenberg and it was just great to have the master back to make me feel very weird about anything that sexual and just all around insane performances. The throat performances from Viggo Mortensen forever haunt me. And Kristen Stewart is just everything in it just Crimes of the Future. It's just so great. I can't wait to revisit it when that 4k disc comes out. Because you know, it's gonna be fucking gorgeous.

Jacob Davidson:

It's a movie that made everybody talk about how surgery is the new sex

James Jay Edwards:

number six Jacob

Jacob Davidson:

pay for number six, I went with Mark Mylod's The Menu. Ah, I

Jonathan Correia:

still need to see that. Yeah,

James Jay Edwards:

I need to see it this way. It has shown up on a lot of my critics groups, think lists where people are like loving it. I really need to see it.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, no, I've it is definitely what we're seeing. And I'm very glad I got to see it in theaters while I did. Because you know, it's a classic setup. It's like all these rich people like restaurant tours and critics and like, dude, bros, go to this island where this lavish gourmet restaurant is and don't want to spoil anything so you know, shit goes wild. Although I really enjoyed it because it did kind of feel like a feature in length Tales from the Crypt episode or something like EC comics because, you know, deals a lot with come up and or, in this case, just desserts. And it is such an amazing cast because he

James Jay Edwards:

was that a pun?

Jacob Davidson:

Yes, it was. I mean, I could I could not resist. But anyway, ya know, it's an amazing cast too, because he got royal finds out Anya Taylor joy. Nicholas Holton, right. Yeah, Nicholas holds is in a John Leguizamo particularly stood out for me. Also really like Hong Chow, she was great. Again, don't want to go into too many details. But they each got some very standout moments. And it just was a very fun kind of class satire while also being its own thing. So when if you get the chance, I would, I would definitely recommend it. My number

James Jay Edwards:

six is We're All Going to the World's Fair. Which is it's one of those like, I guess they call them screen horror movies or the you know, that like like Host or Dashcam kind of a thing. Yeah. And it's just just the way that it portrays those viral like creepy pasta challenge things, you know, and the slow insanity of it. And then the reveal of what is actually happening. I just thought was brilliant. So yeah, We're All Going to the World's Fair. I was a little late to the party on that one. But I'm glad I finally showed up. Korea, what's your six

Jonathan Correia:

my six is Hatching, which is the Finnish horror movie about a young girl who finds an egg and raises it and it kind of grows into this like bird doppelganger of herself. That was that one kind of came out of left field. And I'm so glad I got to see it theatrical, mostly because it was a pretty empty theater. So we pretty much had the whole screen to ourselves, but Oh man, it's such a weird, such a beautifully shot movie. One of the main storylines is like the mom is like a vlogger and her vlog is like how perfect her family so it's trying to like fit that in Meanwhile, her daughter's like, upstairs, up chucking food into this weird human bird creature and stuff. And it's just a very unsettling movie. But so well done. It's currently streaming on Hulu, I believe so if you haven't checked it out yet. Hatching is phenomenal.

James Jay Edwards:

We are at the halfway point and so far, I think I've only counted two repeats Crimes of the Future and Pearl. Am I missing any?

Jonathan Correia:

Oh, there's gonna be more one or the further we go. Oh, yeah, no,

Jacob Davidson:

it's definitely

James Jay Edwards:

I think there will be more coming up. But I was impressed with us that we that we've managed to only have two repeats number five, what you got Jacob?

Jacob Davidson:

Okay. Well, great minds continue to think alike. Because my number five was We're All Going to the World's Fair. Nice. Yeah, no, I just thought that it did such a phenomenal job of kind of capturing both kind of internet subculture today. And also, you know, just kind of isolation especially for modern day kids. And yeah, also Michael Rogers performance was really creepy at times. And you know, like I really liked him ever since I saw him in Beyond the Black Rainbow is very good at you know, just being unsettling. So yeah, no, it's it's such a fascinating movie and very much of the time

James Jay Edwards:

and don't count out Anna Cobb either. The Her performance was awesome. Oh, no, no, no, of course. No No, she was vert great My number five is Men. Speaking of great performances, men is My number five is Barbarian? Because again, my top 10s are that that new art Alex Garland movie in case you forgotten because it was awhile ago. Jessie Buckley just steals this movie, but she, she steals it, but she steals it from Rory Kinnear, who plays men basically, every other every other role in the movie is him. And and it's weird because he's like, at first you don't even realize that he's playing all these roles and and then at some point it hit you over the head and you're like, it's just a fun surprise that there's only one man Well, there's two because her ex husband as well. But yeah, man is it's it's typical. It goes typical Alex Garland at the end and the ends I still kind of struggle with you know, whether it's, I mean, speaking of early Cronenberg, the end I still kind of struggle with but it's, it's struggling in a good way. You know, um, you know, it's one of those What the hell's happened and you know, it's the kind of movie that makes you want to watch it a second time to see what's leading up to that moment. What's your five, Correia? ones that hit me in the face when I saw Barbarian was just such a great one. The humor, the horror. I mean, just yeah, I've already seen it. It's I think it's one of the only ones on my list that I've seen multiple times. Mostly because I gotta keep showing people that it's Yeah, Barbarian, the less you know, the better. Yeah, it's weird because I keep hearing people say that talk about the humor in Barbary I don't see a lot of humor in it. To me. It's just a terrifying movie. But really different strokes

Jacob Davidson:

Justin longs bits were hilarious. Yeah,

James Jay Edwards:

his bits were a little Checkley. But I mean, I yeah, I don't know. i It's not a horror comedy to me. Now. Studio 666 is Hi-larious. But anyway, let's go. Let's move on to number four. What's your for Jacob?

Jacob Davidson:

All right, number four. It's a little complicated, but basically saw it on the festival circuit. It's kind of a two part thing. It's The Once and Future Smash/Endzone 2 by Sofia Cachola and Michael J. Epstein. Basically it Okay, so The Once and Futre Smash is a mockumentary, a very crisper guest type of thing about these two actors that originally portrayed this killer named Smash Mouth in this football themed slasher movie called End Zone 2. And it's about them competing for the, like reboot or equal role in modern times and is just a really funny and kind of biting satire of the horror scene and conventions and fandom and, and just kind of the current trends and horror. But it also had a lot of heart, like, it definitely understood, you know, the kind of stuff it was ribbing. And, and they actually did End Zone 2 it's kind of a fake throwback movie to slashers and you know, and as a companion piece, you know, play back to back but, so they still you know, they play into each other and, and End Zone 2 is actually a genuinely fun little kind of slasher throwback because you know, just a bunch of women at a cabin when this football three themed slasher with like his jaw hanging and attack so I just felt like it was really fascinating and you know, original, an original, piece very self examining in the genre, and a very exciting when it eventually gets a mainstream release. Hopefully soon.

James Jay Edwards:

My number four is Bones And All the new Luca, I'm gonna butcher his name Guadagnino, something like that. Anyway, the guy who made the Suspiria remake and also call me by your name, which this movie is the perfect marriage of those two. I mean, it's it's at its heart. It's a love story, but it's also gory as hell. I don't want to say too much about it. Because this is another one where just go in blind don't even I mean, I hate the fact that so many people are spoiling even the main premise. Because it's it's such a shock to find out on your own. But uh, yeah, Bones And All Timothée Chalamet and Taylor Russell are the quote lovers and they're both incredible.

Jonathan Correia:

That word makes me uncomfortable.

James Jay Edwards:

That word Did you see the movie?

Jonathan Correia:

No, just the word lovers.

James Jay Edwards:

Oh, well,

Jonathan Correia:

to quote Liz Lemon. That word makes me uncomfortable unless it's between meat and pizza.

James Jay Edwards:

But there's also like, speaking of Anna Cobb, Anna Cobb is in it. Mark Rylance has a role in it. There's some real surprise roles Chloe Sevigny shows up and Jessica Harper shows up. It's what It's my girl Jessica Harper shows up. Yeah, yeah, it's going today. Oh, yeah. It's It's It's terrific. But anyway yeah Bones and All. What's your four Correia?

Jonathan Correia:

Speaking of Anna Cobb my number four is We're All Going to the World's Fair

James Jay Edwards:

a nice first one that's been on all three of our lists.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, this I mean yeah especially with my like top top for it this is a any one of these movies could be in any position and we're all in the World's Fair was one that like was bouncing around quite a bit. It's the only film that come out this year that I own on Blu ray VHS and I have the record for just all around an incredible experience. I the the fact that, that they were able to capture that feeling of 3am and you're on that weird part of YouTube and you can't get out of it. Because you're freaked yourself out and you can't go back to sleep and kept going and Anna Cobb is absolutely incredible performance and yeah, I it was just such an inspiring movie on what you can do with with film I yeah, I all around loved it. Yeah.

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, it's good. Okay, the first Eye On Horror approved title full on all three of our lists. We're All Going to the World's Fair. Let's, let's go to our top three. What's your three, Jacob, I am loving

Jonathan Correia:

that we're not matching up, like really at all? Like, there's a few that are on everyone's list. But there's a lot where it's just like, wow, we like so we may not have had a chance to see everything but we're covering some really cool

Jacob Davidson:

go Yeah, no, it's been it's been a good year. let's And speaking of my number three would be Jordan Peele's Nope, nice. Yeah, no, just I was I saw it an IMAX and it blew me away. Like I just

James Jay Edwards:

the perfect IMAX movie. It really is. It's yeah, it's a huge screener,

Jacob Davidson:

ya know, just and, you know, and, you know, it keeps on talking about spectacle, but the movie itself was an amazing spectacle, especially in that format. You know, just hearing all the oohs ahhs and awe was from the audience. And you know, just like, some of the reveals, you know, it just blew my mind. And, you know, it just is such a great mystery, because, you know, with all the trailers and everything you think it's one thing, you know, the aliens and all that, but then you see it and it is not. And the plays

Jonathan Correia:

on the Spielberg shot. Yeah. It's so good. There's so many like technical things about it. And I'm piping up now, because I don't have it on my 10 list. It was hard to leave it off. But yeah, like, again, I'm gonna have that double feature soon. And once I have, I'll be like, fuck, it should have bumped it up.

James Jay Edwards:

Have you seen Till not to get on a big no, no. Tilt tilt is a tough one. It's not hard at all, but it's a tough watch. It's an important watch though. It's as expected Yes. Expect it's an important one though. It's a very important movie. I think. My number three is X, which is just, you know, we've talked about Pearl. Now we're gonna talk a little bit about X, X is just the perfect throwback to that 70s slasher that Texas Chainsaw Massacre without a chainsaw, you know, it's just dirty. It's grimy. And it's just perfectly made. I mean, it's even got an alligator or is it a crocodile? What did they have in Texas? I don't know. But yeah, X you know, I think Mia Goth is better in Pearl. But that doesn't take anything away from her in X and you know and plus he's got the best adult filmmaker adult actor name ever Jackson Hole What's your three Correia

Jonathan Correia:

I can feel a little cheated because I watched this one not last night but the night prior but incident really blew me away A Wounded Fawn

James Jay Edwards:

Oh on Shudder right yeah it's

Jonathan Correia:

on Shudder now but it just hit all the right notes for me. They it's it's got it's got it's a serial killer vibe. It's deals with mythology. It's got some like folk horror-ish there's entire scenes that feel straight out of Evil Dead 2 this the end the score is just a haunting Yeah, A Wounded Fawn Josh Ruben plays this pleases serial killer character who is also dealing with as an art dealer and he steals this piece that kind of comes back to haunt him and it's it just hit a lot of notes a critiques you know the the Bougie side of the art world which is most of the side of the art world let's be honest. It's it's not afraid to let its characters kind of make fool of themselves it's not afraid to kind of have their characters be kind of annoying to be honest. There's Yeah, I again, Josh Ruben is just phenomenal and and yeah, that the entire third act is just It goes into different directions. A lot i Yeah, it for some reason really struck a lot of chords for me so yeah A Wounded Fawn. I am so sad I missed it at beyond fest. I would have loved to have seen that on the big screen. Number

James Jay Edwards:

two, what you got Jacob?

Jacob Davidson:

Well, it's funny you mentioned that because I put A Wounded Fawn as my number two because I saw it at Beyond Fest.

Jonathan Correia:

I was wondering if you were gonna include it on it. I was as soon as I finished I was like, fuck is Jacob Am I can't be the only one dimension in this one. Yeah, that's awesome.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, no, it was an incredible screening, Travis Stevens really knocked out of the park with this one. Especially the fact that it was shot on 16mm, which, you know, it really shows and gives it a certain effect. And, ya know, it really played well with a crowd and you know, just like the, you know, just like, structurally and visually, it's just so interesting, because, yeah, it just feels like so many different things. Yeah, it does feel kind of like a folk horror thing. It feels like a 70s psychological horror thing and at splat stick, that type of thing. And it deals a lot with like art and toxic masculinity and forgiveness. And, ya know, it just it just covers so much ground in, in such in such a way and, you know, just and again, it's just something where I feel like seeing it with an audience it gave, you know, had an effect on me because, you know, there's, there's a particular bit at the end, where that kind of starts and keeps going. And people completely lost in over over how it went

Jonathan Correia:

no spoilers but that final shot.

Jacob Davidson:

Like, the audience, the audience didn't know how to react by the end of it. It was insane. So it just really resonated and yeah, no, I think it was one of my favorites this year.

James Jay Edwards:

I hope so. It's your number two. My number two is The Northman.

Jacob Davidson:


James Jay Edwards:

this is about as fringy as we're getting on this one. It's not technically horror, but it it's pretty horrific.

Jonathan Correia:

I got fringe with Troll. So you're it's

James Jay Edwards:

it's the North Bend to me. I mean, I'm not a big fan of period pieces, but also the green night was on my list last year. So I'm allowed the North finisher, the North and early in the movie. And I've talked about this before, there's a scene where they're storming a castle and one of the guards throws a spear and the guy catches it spins around, throws it back and nails the guy who threw it. As soon as that happened. I'm like, Well, you know what, this movie could roll closing credits right now and it'd be in my top ten

Jacob Davidson:

a lot of it does have a lot of horror scenes. You know, like that bit where he fights the undead Viking knights and there's just such brutality, like when they burned down like a whole cabin full of women and children

Jonathan Correia:

or just Bjork, you know, just I still think she showed up as is and they were just like, oh, shit we got here. Let's put her in the movie.

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, these these Vikings. Yeah, they were definitely not. They were not peaceful. I guess if you left him alone, maybe but anyway. Yeah, they, they they were not averse to spilling blood. So yeah, it is. It's a pretty gory one. But um, yeah, The Northman I loved it. I think it's just, you know, it's Robert Eggers. No one does period pieces like Robert Eggers. And The NorthmAn is just another feather in his cap.

Jonathan Correia:

And let's not forget the amazing performance by Nicole Kidman. I feel like doesn't get discussed enough with The Northman how fucking great she is in that

James Jay Edwards:

and Ethan Hawke

Jonathan Correia:

is really good too. Yeah. Fun Fun mode to watch the northmen just sit there and go. They ripped off the Lion King. Yeah,

James Jay Edwards:

well, yeah, The Northman it's actually it's actually Hamlet. Yeah, so yeah,

Jonathan Correia:

it's it's just funny to sit there and go Who am

James Jay Edwards:

that was based on a Norse legend anyway, so who's ripping off who? No, no,

Jonathan Correia:

no, it was just a fun mode just sitting there and like having a moment of forgetting that they're that they're all based off of this one thing and they're just being like, Lion King. Okay, yeah, wait no back into it. Hamlet yeah,

James Jay Edwards:

it's funny that you go to Lion King and

Jonathan Correia:

I mean I child of the 90s man that VHS tape is worn th fuck out

James Jay Edwards:

English minor.

Jonathan Correia:

Anyways by number two is Pearl I think that's the other one that we've all had our list right yeah second

James Jay Edwards:

Eye On Horror approved.

Jonathan Correia:

So Correia Why is pro so high up on your list? Easy. Hagsploitation. Wow. Like this is is the closest thing I that I've seen with a with a decent budget in recent times to hit those notes of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, which is one of my all times Mia Goth's performance is was transformative. It was amazing. It was it hit all the notes of great acting and she still went into the cheese. I loved it. The colors are great. And the story the throwbacks, I love I love when there's, there's characters like the projectionists where words like was they Were they really there? Or was that a figment without it being like, annoyingly over or knowingly there you know, it was just so beautifully shot the fuck is that how they how they were able to capture Technicolor vibes and looks without actually doing Technicolor is insane but yeah I can't wait to see all the drag performances that are inspired by this movie

Jacob Davidson:

um so yeah that's that's common that's gonna Yeah oh

Jonathan Correia:

it's probably already happened at least a few times in WeHo let's be honest yeah

James Jay Edwards:

it's happening somewhere yeah me it got like like you said her performance it what I think makes it awards were the is like what you said it It walks the line between serious thespian and total cheese and walks it perfectly. She gets it she strikes a perfect balance. So gotta hope she gets I'm pulling for her in my groups. I hope she gets some recognition. I don't think an Oscar is going to be in it for her but it would be awesome if she could get something

Jonathan Correia:

it's earned man but as we all know from our very first episode, The Academy does not like horror. It's not

James Jay Edwards:

the kind of movie it's gonna get Oscar noms but we could get some critics

Jacob Davidson:

group so funny enough they did do a shout out posted Mia Goth on the academy Twitter account. Everybody's like, give her the nomination. Yeah, the nomination?

James Jay Edwards:

Huh? Maybe they have something we don't that would be awesome.

Jonathan Correia:

You want people to tune into this year's Oscars have Mia Goth win Best Actress

Jacob Davidson:

ever do the dance number live on stage?

James Jay Edwards:

Ah, that would be even better have her do that.

Jonathan Correia:

I would I would love for her to be nominated and then go for her performances in X and Pearl. Like, like,

James Jay Edwards:

oh yeah, she's up against herself.

Jonathan Correia:

Like counted as like one you know? Yeah. I mean, it's a little cheating. But I mean, they did come it's she did play the same character in 2 movies that came out the same year. So I mean, yeah, that's that would be a fun thing.

James Jay Edwards:

Let's move on to number one drum rolls.

Jacob Davidson:

All right, well, before I get to number one, just want to do a quick shout out to a few movies that didn't make the list. Or you know runner ups Blackphone really love that. I had that on my list last year because I saw it at Beyond Fest and let's see Kids Vs. Aliens saw that this year. It's on the festival circuit coming out next year. So we'll be talking about it more then. Also a big fan of Out There Halloween Mega Tape and Prey and V/H/S 99 All all great, really fun movies. But my number one this year was Zach Cregger's Barbarian. Nice. I had to do it because you know again, you know I'm going I'm going to load off of theatrical experiences because you know the experience really makes the movie and barbarian theatrically was something else. You know, I saw I saw it at a Beyond Fest pre screening last August. And I swear to God like seeing it there. I jumped in my seat literally jumped in my seat during you know the basement scene when you know that that stuff happens. And it just it's you know, like a truly good horror movie is one that gets such a visceral reaction out of you. And, you know, just something that I could not tell where was going I did not know what it was building up to, you know, just it hit me on so many levels. And it just had such a profound effect on me. I felt like I had to give it the number one spot.

James Jay Edwards:

Cool. My number one you already kind of teased it is the Blackphone I did not see it on the festival circuit last year. So it's my number one this year. It is it's an incredible it's the perfect marriage between Scott Derrickson and Joe Hill I feel you know it's it's Sinister meets It which I guess is you know, son of Stephen King. But yeah, I just loved everything about The Black Phone. Speaking of Ethan Hawke, he's in my number one my number two this year so yeah, he's knocking it out of the park. Yeah, just The Black Phone you know just everything about it. I just loved it's my number one it's my number one horror or not. And Correia dial number one

Jonathan Correia:

well I want to give special shout outs to ones that didn't make my top 10 to just just barely just barely just barely Hellbender that was another one I watched in the last week or so preparing for this and that was a ride I loved how Bender it's metal as fuck it you can tell it was made with a lot of love Hellbender on Shudder please please check it out. I Love My Dad was not well not horror was one of the most uncomfortable movies I saw this year. Can't recommend I Love My Dad. Enough is probably Patton Oswald's best performance since The Fan I think was or was it Big Fan.

Jacob Davidson:

Big fan.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, big fan, which amazing is best performance. And then of course Everything Everywhere All At Once you know That's probably just my favorite movie of the year.

James Jay Edwards:

I'm kind of surprised that didn't end up on either of your lists, but I guess it's not really horror.

Jonathan Correia:

Well you're the fringe guy we're not for me it wasn't horror so that's why I got a shout out also Trick Or Treat Scooby-Doo! fuck the haters. out DC League of Super Pets if we're going non-horror. Yeah. Come on Korea. What's your number one? My number one is Moonfall. No.

James Jay Edwards:

I almost made that joke with Morbius. But I decided not to

Jonathan Correia:

I had to get one more dig in. No, my number one is You Won't Be Alone. You Won't Be Alone. It was the folk horror witch movie starring Nomi repast and since the moment I saw it, or the end credits rolled on that movie, I've been championing it. It's one of the most solid recent folk horror movies which is one of my favorite sub genres. Honestly go at going in as blind as possible. Again, there's no like big twist. There's no like crazy things like that. But just kind of allow yourself to just kind of be sucked into the ethereal storytelling and the performances. Noomi Rapace is of course, Queen, you know, just bow watch just about anything that she's in. And yeah, it's It's haunting the imageries is there but it's it's got this human element at its heart. With like a lot heart. Yeah, I just Yeah, I can't recommend that one enough. I think it's still streaming on peacock right now. But I'm waiting for that home release to come out so I can watch it again.

James Jay Edwards:

You know, what's funny? Scream and Halloween Kills didn't make any of our lists.

Jonathan Correia:

That was gonna be my other ones to shout out for this year. Yeah. Scream was skin was uh, yeah,

James Jay Edwards:

I enjoyed them. But yeah, there's just other things I enjoyed more. It's just interesting that like, basically the two biggies of the year that everybody basically the ones that the box office went crazy for.

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, don't get us wrong. Those were fantastic movies. Same with the new Hellraiser. New, you know, but there could only be 10 in a 10 Spot. You know, what a great year for a lot of horror films.

James Jay Edwards:

It's been an amazing year. Whereas Terrifier 2 in our lists.

Jonathan Correia:

I haven't seen it. Oh,

James Jay Edwards:

I haven't either.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, no, it's just you know, there's so many horror movies, but so little room, you know,

James Jay Edwards:

we did get art the clown in there, though.

Jacob Davidson:

Oh, yes. The Mean One.

Jonathan Correia:

That wasn't that wasn't top ten. Oh, yeah.

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, that wasn't discussed it. But then we talk about AI Cool. Well, these are our top 10s I know we missed a lot of stuff. Because like Correia said, it's been a great year. So yeah, what did we missed? We missed your favorite. You know, are we crazy for not putting Scream and Halloween kills on our lists? Or do they not belong there?

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, they end if it wasn't for troll, I think Hellbender was was my 11

James Jay Edwards:

All right, well, these are ours. What are yours? Let us know. And yeah, and we can duke it out. Our music is by Restless Spirits ago. Give them a listen. And our artwork is by Chris Fisher. So go give him a like, you can find us on any of the socials under EyeOnHorror. or@ihorror.com. So yeah, let us have it about our lists. Is The Northman not horror enough? You know, should I have thrown it off? Yeah, I'm the fringe guy. You're like I didn't put The Whale on there.

Jonathan Correia:

I I did a Kaiju Troll movie in my top 10 So I think you're forgiven.

James Jay Edwards:

But it's called Troll. I think it's automatically horror on sterile troll.

Jonathan Correia:

It's so good. I'm telling you go watch it to now. Yeah,

James Jay Edwards:

no, no, you you sold me on it. You sold me on it. I'm I'm gonna blow off some of these Oscar baits.

Jonathan Correia:

It was either that or Burning Sea, just because I get I need more Norwegian disaster movies play the more more roar

James Jay Edwards:

in your life. We say Roar. It's probably pronounced like relaxed or something like

Jonathan Correia:

I didn't even tell you guys. There's a moment where they're in the briefing room in Troll and they're all together talking about like what it could be. And they're like, oh, it could be climate change. And they're like, oh, it could be these gaseous things. And they're like, what? And this one guy just goes to sink-a-hole. And I had to rewind it like eight times. And I kept missing what was going on and like, just hearing like, sink-a-hole. And it was I was just like, you cannot say that word like that with that. Dead of a face. It was it was beautiful. Alright,

James Jay Edwards:

let's get out of here. So yeah, let us know what your top 10s are. And, yeah, we'll duke it out over whether or not The Northman belongs on any top 10 lists. So for me, James Jay Edwards.

Jacob Davidson:

I'm Jacob Davison

Jonathan Correia:

and I'm Jonathan Correia.

James Jay Edwards:

Keep your Eye On Horror.

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