Eye On Horror

The Boys Are Back In Town!

iHorror Season 7 Episode 1

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After a bit of a holiday break, the boys are back in town for season 7 of EYE ON HORROR!!! Catching up on holiday viewings, the boys review Night Swim, The Beekeeper, Destroy all Neighbors, I.S.S., and Living with Chucky, while Correia watches the first 3 D&D movies so you don't have to (though Wrath of the Dragon God rules), Jacob recounts his favorite Giallo January titles, and Jay rides the Chariots of the Gods.

Then, the boys talk about what films they are looking forward to in 2024. What are some of your most anticipated films of the year? Are running groups cults? It's all new on EYE ON HORROR!


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James Jay Edwards:

Welcome to Eye On Horror the official podcast of iHorror.com. This is episode 120, Otherwise known as season seven, Episode One! WOO! Seven seasons. Woohoo! I'm your host James Jay Edwards and with the as always, again back for another season is your other host Jacob Davison How you doing Jacob? Doing

Jacob Davidson:

good just trying to stay awake because it is a chilly morning in California. We're

James Jay Edwards:

such a wimps. It has been raining pretty good for us though. The last few days. Yeah, there's some hardcore flooding down here. I don't know about you guys. Also with us as always is your other other host Jon Correia, How you doing Correia?

Jonathan Correia:

Oh, I'm wide the fuck awake. I'm excited. We hit Rick Berman era Star Trek level seasons, seven seasons. That's awesome. I went for a run. I joined you guys we've been gone for so long. I joined or fucking running group and I hate it. I don't hate it enough. I now know the you know when people talk about cults and stuff, and they say the people who say they're not going to join a cult are the ones that are most susceptible to joining a cult. I get it now because I everything about a running group sounds appalling to me socializing and running eww but yeah, I'm into it now. So yeah, I don't know who I am anymore. I'm I'm 30-33 and I don't know what's happening with my life anymore.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, just make sure at the end of the weeks of running that they don't like offer you to an altor like they Midsommar your ass.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, no, it's attached to it's attached to us. It's a shoe store doing it. So if anything, they might just try to sell me some shoes.

James Jay Edwards:

It's actually kind of brilliant marketing. It really Oh, your

Jacob Davidson:

shoes are all run down from all that running. Well, I guess you got to buy some new shoes.

James Jay Edwards:

It's more like, oh, you started running club. Your shoes aren't good enough for running.

Jonathan Correia:

Dude. No, it genuinely is like a really good like thing. They're like, it's an eight week program. It's 50 bucks. Like, you know, we just meet twice a week. It's it's super chill. Everyone's nice. You know? Like, it's yeah, you know, we're getting matching sweat suits soon. Oh, shit. Yeah, you're right.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, now the sweat suits is the big giveaway.

Jonathan Correia:

What is it a King of the Hill when he pulls up? He's like, is this the call? No. We're a group of free loving global. Yep. This is it?

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah. Well, we've been gone so long. I actually had COVID and came back.

Jonathan Correia:

First time?

James Jay Edwards:

I know.

Jonathan Correia:

First was the first for

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, that's the first time I've had it. And honestly, I think I had a pretty mild case because it just felt like a really bad cold to me. But yeah, I had to isolate for a couple of weeks. And I watched a lot of comfort movies like Cocaine Bear and Barbie and all that. But I did get some new watching in and let's rip the band aid off on what we've watched. Recently. Did either guys see Night Swim?

Jacob Davidson:

I did not

Jonathan Correia:


James Jay Edwards:

Oh my god.

Jonathan Correia:

COVID numbers have been crazy. So we haven't been going to the movies that much.

James Jay Edwards:

You know, I figured out that I either got it at my screening of Night Swim or the next week I saw Mean Girls and something. I also want to talk about The Beekeeper. But anyway, I got it. I got it at one of the screenings, I think but anyway, Night Swim. It's pretty much a typical Blumhouse January release. It is a really slick movie. It's really well made. But the story is just I mean it is exactly what you think it is. It's about a haunted pool and the short film that it's that it's kind of not really adaptive, I guess expanded off of is actually really cool. You can find it on YouTube. And it's really it's really cool and it's also kind of a scene from the movie but the movie itself the backstory behind what's going on it's let down by its script because it's a pretty well made movie as far as like you know it's well acted cinematography is they use some really cool water stuff like you know in the pool and you come out of the pool you know there's some cool water photography and stuff it's just you it It can't get out of its own story's way you know it's anyways so

Jonathan Correia:

you didn't like Amityville Pool House that much?

James Jay Edwards:

Amityville Pool House that that would have been a better name for it. Well, not a better name for it, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it went straight to video and called itself Amityville Pool. But now, okay, let's talk about The Beekeeper. Tell me if you guys have seen The Beekeeper?

Jacob Davidson:

Protect the hive!

James Jay Edwards:

You have not? Oh my god. You've seen it though Jacob,

Jacob Davidson:

Oh yeah, saw it in IMAX

James Jay Edwards:

The Beekeeper. It is the most ridiculously fun movie I think I've seen in a long time. I cannot remember a movie that is so in on its own joke, because it's a typical Jason Statham movie. But the thing is, he's on this vengeful rampage. And the people he's rampaging against are people who I mean, there's a little more to it, but they basically scammed an old lady friend of his out of her life savings with one of those, you know, one of those pop up on your computer saying call this number to disinfect. And um, yeah, oh my God, and it is, it's just the most ridiculously violent and action packed, and I was giddy the whole time. And the thing is, there's a lot of people hating it. There are a lot of people who are just stupidest movie ever made. It's like, dude,

Jonathan Correia:

and that's fine!

James Jay Edwards:

And also lighten up a little this movie is it's not trying to be Citizen Kane. This movie is trying to be basically a Jason Statham movie and The Beekeeper is this will tell you how kind of silly this movie is. Beekeepers are CIA operatives that are basically like Jason Bourne. They just, they just kick all kinds of ass and they're almost invincible. But

Jonathan Correia:

he is also a literal beekeeper. Yeah.

Jacob Davidson:

He keep bees. He keeps the bees. Yeah, he

James Jay Edwards:

does keep bees. But it's funny because they like, like Jacob was saying they they really lean into the beekeeper metaphor. He's I'm protecting the hive either. Oh my god, I had so much fun with it. But yeah, there's a lot of hate. What did you think take tell me you had as much fun with it as I did. Yeah, really? That's

Jonathan Correia:

just just Jacob going he keeps bees

Jacob Davidson:

he's the beekeeper. He keeps the beeS. I love ya know, I had a lot of fun with it. I saw it in IMAX and it does have a lot of impressive fight choreography and Jason Statham just basically having a bee schtick like even throws a jar of honey at an assassin at one point and it's flammable so he sets her fire with it. And ya know, this is kind of setting up this whole thing with like these beekeepers are like these. Yeah, Jason Bourne, John Wick type, super assassins. And Jeremy Irons plays like the head of security for like the prime boss guy who's in charge of the scamming thing. And it's funny too, because like, I find it he's also like a former head of the CIA. So I felt like he was doing a Donald Rumsfeld impression doing like, Oh, you've done it. Now. He fucked with the beekeeper. And

James Jay Edwards:

also his, the new head of the CIA is played by Minnie Driver. And um, oh, he called he calls her for help. And she's all when she finds out. It's the beekeepers, y'all. I can't help you. Like she's even afraid of the guy. There's one awesome scene at a gas station where?

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, the the assassin the they send the other beat another beekeeper to try to take them out. Yeah, they

James Jay Edwards:

send another beekeeper and it's like done while waiting. She says something she's all you you must be says his name. She identifies him. He goes, You must be my replacement, you know, because he's retired. And, and then they shoot up and burn up this gas stage. It's like it's just so ridiculously awesome.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah. And also, it's funny because it's sent largely around Springfield, Massachusetts, even though there's by us because I presume they shot in Louisiana or something.

Jonathan Correia:

Well, I mean, there are some swampy parts of like Southern New Hampshire but like Springfield's not that swampy you know

Jacob Davidson:

but it is just kind of funny when they set an action movie like this back in the home state. But yeah, no, it's just Jason Statham Bee theme. There you go. It

Jonathan Correia:

sounds like a B movie with like

James Jay Edwards:

a Bee movie?

Jonathan Correia:

but with like a good budget like it seems like it has like yeah budget for like all its news, David Ayer. Yeah, but has that learning day up

James Jay Edwards:

David Ayer from Suicide Squad?

Jacob Davidson:


Jonathan Correia:

was it did he do Cop Shop?

Jacob Davidson:

Was it uh, no, I don't think that was the same guy. Oh,

Jonathan Correia:

I thought it was because that that one was very like B movie premise but like had a decent enough budget to like, kind of like step above it, but was like very of that field. It sounds awesome. No, that

Jacob Davidson:

was Joe Carnahan, Joe Carnahan. I

Jonathan Correia:

always I always confuse those two for some reason. But speaking of Jeremy Irons At the end of last year, because I've been pushing Lindsey to do this because I bought I tracked down a German blu ray of the third one. Because I found a really cheap copy of the first two. We watched the first three Dungeons and Dragons movies. Let me tell you Jeremy Irons in that first Dungeons and Dragons movie. I understand that there was a lot of CGI and stuff but that man still chewed so much fucking scenery it is it does eat chew like that in The Beekeeper does he chew up a lot of scenery in that because I that's my favorite Jeremy Irons. You just give him some some like, really cheesy stuff to just like really gnaw on and he delivers it with such passion I love it.

James Jay Edwards:

I think all the entire cast knows what kind of movie they're making.

Jacob Davidson:

So there's levels of awareness. Yeah, there's

James Jay Edwards:

a lot of that because of the old woman who who gets scammed by the people. It's Felicia Rashad. And she's, you know, I feel like everyone there knew what kind of movie they're making. It's just a lot of the audience didn't realize the kind of movie they're making, you know, the audience members who aren't liking it because I was sitting next to a couple of other critics in my screening and their both going This is the dumbest movie ever. And I'm like, Dude, no, we just enjoy it. And you will you let yourself enjoy it. You will. I just I thought it was so much fun. I mean, it's not going to end up on my top 10 list by any stretch. But you know, for what it is

Jacob Davidson:

I would like it to get a sequel?

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah. Is it gonna get a sequel? I

Jacob Davidson:

mean, I said I would like it to get a squel

Jonathan Correia:

okay, it could it's doing well at the box office for January. And it probably and it does sound like one of those type of movies that's going to find a bigger audience on home video and Netflix or something. But back to Dungeons and Dragons that first one is still not good. But the second one Wrath of the Dragon God if you play D&D, which I don't, but if you do that is a movie made for you like that is straight up. You're watching nerds playing D&D, and these characters are acting it out it's great. Don't you don't need to seek out the third one. The third one is borderline unwatchable. I almost kind of regret putting so much effort in tracking down the very hard to get blu ray that I got for it but but it was still fun to watch like see like what's been done before you know

Jacob Davidson:

yeah and Honor Among Theives was awesome and I really hope we get a sequel to that

Jonathan Correia:

yeah, no I on it made me appreciate on her. Like Honor Among Thieves is really good for like bringing in people that aren't super into the D&D world but like Wrath of the Dragon God is very good at just being like full on in that world. But even someone like me who has like very limited knowledge of it was like, could still keep up and understand and like enjoy it. And yeah, so a lot of fun.

Jacob Davidson:

Speaking of a lot of fun I was at an incredible premiered in January for a new horror movie. Yeah, they released the movie Destroy All Neighbors at the Aero Theater as a part of Beyond Fest. Vive Have you guys seen

Jonathan Correia:

it? No, but I heard really good things about it isn't

James Jay Edwards:

It's on Shudder right?

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, it's on Shudder is directed by Josh Forbes stars Jonah Ray and winter up. Basically it's about Jonah Ray as this kind of near dwell guy who's trying to be a prog rock star and he keeps on being neurotic about finishing his album. And he lives in this really crappy apartment with his devoted girlfriend and then this new neighbor moves in play balance one of his basically this eastern European troll man named LOD. And needless to say, the title does happen and a lot of neighbors do get accidentally destroyed and murdered and dismembered and blown up and stabbed and shit goes crazy. And it was one of the one of the best screenings I've been to this year so far. And it's just a lot of fun. And it has that kind of kind of Coen Brothers dark comedy elements who had bought with Sam Raimi level of splat stick and actually know one of the write writers of the movie Charlie Piper, we went to college together so it was just wild to see it finally premiered it finally come out after hearing him talk about it all these years. And ya know, it's just it's so much fun. I really would recommend it. It's you know, just very, very much a throwback splat stick movie with practical effects and again, you know, if you're a fan of Freaked, Alex winter does go full gobble, man.

Jonathan Correia:

Oh, that's awesome. I just got a couple of gray market VHS tapes including Freaked on it. Yeah, I'm pretty stoked about that. Also, I got the complete Snuffbox series on VHS. Most of these I already own on DVD. So I'm not being bad guys and getting gray market stuff for things I legally bought. But yeah, it's pretty cool.

James Jay Edwards:

I know that the last couple of years, I have said that pretty early on in the year, like two years ago is Saint Maud. And this year is Cocaine Bear. I call that my favorite movie of the year is like in the first part of year. And I think I'm doing it again this year, because I saw what it's at least gonna be on my top 10 might be my number one. Have you ever seen I.S.S.?

Jonathan Correia:

No, no. But I saw the trailer for it before Minus One. And I was like, holy shit. I love that concept. That's a great concept. It

James Jay Edwards:

is it's Oh, yeah, it's I loved it. It's basically if you haven't seen the trailer before Godzilla minus one. It's basically about the International Space Station. And there's three Americans and three Russians on this space station doing their work. And while they're up there, a nuclear war happens down on earth. And the Americans who you're seeing it through their eyes, the Americans get a message saying, you know, hey, there's a situation down here. We need you to take control of the station by any means necessary. And then they look over to the Russians and the Russians are reading their communications and the Russians look over at them. So they know they got the same message. So basically, there's this crew, the space station. And they're also they're like family, because these guys spend months on end up there together. And all of a sudden, they don't know who they can trust and who they can't trust and, you know, do they really need to take over the space station? Or, you know, should they just all six of them, blow it off and just keep doing what they're doing? And, you know, there's no support from the ground anymore because the planet is a wreck. And it's just really it's a real tense. It's a tense exercise and paranoia is what it is because these guys don't because they've also forged relationships between each other so they're like okay, but no, I this these people are my friends. These are my family. Are they really going to try to kill me to take control this station? It's yeah, it's my my one issue with it is and this isn't really that big of an issue, but it it kind of leaves you hanging at the end. And I won't go into any more specifics about it because I don't want to spoil but it's it. I won't say there's no resolution but there it it doesn't end as satisfying as it could. But I also understand why it doesn't because of the situation that it's all in. But it is it's kind of the way that it shot reminds me of Gravity where you know, they're in zero gravity, just like Sandra Bullock was and I don't know how they shot it if they did it like in water like she did or if maybe they use one of those Vomit Comet planes to shoot. But it's

Jonathan Correia:

Just getting two minutes of footage at a fucking time going up and down. Yeah,

James Jay Edwards:

yeah. On a complete space station set but

Jonathan Correia:

they get sometimes I think they I think they did that with Apollo 13. If I'm not mistaken, they had like, Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks in the in them go doing vomit comets stuff getting shots like 30 seconds at a time. Yeah. When you have a budget?

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, yeah. When you can rent the vomit comet. Yeah,

Jacob Davidson:

so I actually heard mixed things about I.S.S. So I've been really go out of my way to see it. But yeah, maybe I'll give it a shot. Oh, wait,

James Jay Edwards:

I loved it.

Jonathan Correia:

I'm super stoked for it. Because that was one of my things as a kid. You know, when you're a kid and you latch on to like one weird, like, very specific thing. The I.S.S. was my thing for a bit more like, I was just reading about it. Because even as a kid, I thought that was the coolest thing. It was like the most neutral ground out that possible. And it's like the spot where like, literally nations are like working together. It's an international space station. Like they're always there's parts from America and China, like all these places that normally don't get along. all get along in this one space one spot in like, the most hostile spot, you can be in the atmosphere. And I always thought that was really cool. So the second that that idea is introduced of like, shits going down here, you need to take the ISS and then the other side gets it too. It's like, oh, there's so much that could go wrong with that. So like my my brain immediately start going through. What's this scenario? What about this scenario? What if What if someone just says fuck, it just breaks a glass or something like, you know, like, ah, like, yeah, so I thank you for reminding me I needed to seek out screening of that soon.

James Jay Edwards:

One of the one of the more memorable scenes for me at least is they're up there and one of the astronauts is new, and she's looking out this portal and they're all looking at Earth. and all of a sudden, the nice blue of the earth starts kind of turning red, and they start seeing these little flashes around, you know, on the land. And once it once they realize someone realizes what's going on and goes, Don't look, get away from that window don't look, you know, because they realize that shifts going on and that that's when they start getting the the correspondences says, you know, take the station, but yeah, oh, that's so cool. It was it was great. And the thing is, it's so grounded in reality, it's not like Life where, you know, they get this alien, you know, thing in there. I mean, it's, you could see this happening, you know, I mean, because what else would happen if because the I.S.S. is considered kind of how do you say, not prime real estate, but like a, an asset, a prime asset that both sides in this war want? So and that's why they're saying take it by any means necessary. You know, both Russia and America want this station?

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah. And it's not owned by one because everyone kind of contributes to it. I actually made a mock scale model of the I.S.S. I'd have not Legos, but it was, was the other one construct Dix where it's more like the clicking in pieces and stuff. And moving parts made noises. Yeah, yeah, I was I was that nerd. Yeah. So during the break, I watched a whole bunch of documentaries. One of the first ones I watched was Tab Hunter Confidential, which was a documentary about Tab Hunter. The closeted actor in the 50s and 60s, who had a like a later resurgence with John Waters films like Polyester and stuff. That was a really great one to watch. But more in the horror side of things. I finally watched King on Screen, which is a documentary where it's filmmakers who adapted Stephen King novels talk about other Stephen King movies. And that premise is really cool. And it's really interesting having like Frank Darabont, talk about not only Shawshank and the Mist, but also talk about other people's works within it and how all these filmmakers like have that understanding of what what makes King novels work and especially like what it takes to adapt them. They do talk about The Shining, and they do talk about like, how The Shining is a really good Stanley Kubrick movie, but it's a really bad Stephen King movie, because and they go into really great detail where it's like, yeah, I know that that that makes sense. But yeah, it's not everyone Mike Flanagan Tom Holland, they interview so many my only and it's not even a real complaint I was just a little confused is like, it opens up with like a little short movie. That's like, the like this character going through and there's like a bajillion Stephen King references throughout it. And it goes on for seven minutes, which was just like, it was cool, but I wasn't expecting that. So like, I was like, Oh, it's a little intro thing. Oh, it's Oh, it's so going. Did I pop in the wrong movie? You know? So but other than that, yeah, King on screen if you're a big Stephen King fan or Stephen King movies, highly recommend it. And then the other one was Living with Chucky. Have you guys heard of that one?

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, I think I've heard about it. Yeah,

Jonathan Correia:

that one's really cool. It was made by the daughter of one of the main Chucky puppet tears and creators who has been on it since I believe bride and so a good portion of the movie is going through the franchise talking with all the people that were like heavily involved in all that and then about three quarters of the way through it she kind of turns the camera a bit on herself and and how like this like found family within like the Chucky make filmmaking group came to be in like her being introduced and kind of again living with Chucky like the title. And I really enjoyed it. It was really good. It was really nice seeing like the progression but also seeing a lot of stuff that isn't typically talked about with filmmaking, you know, the long hours and how that has effect on families and stuff. But like, you know, and how the families deal with it. There was a lot of really good there. And I was really shocked because I watched the I tried to watch another documentary about the movie clue and that filmmaker put him put too much of himself into it like the that one he had like the camera on him while he was driving and he's like, I know what you're thinking why would someone make a movie about clue and it's like, because clues a great fucking movie like, surprise, no one has done it before. And he like he just kept doing that a lot. And it made me like, and the audio was bad and I was like, I can't finish this. This is is making me hurt a little bit. So I was I was it made me weary about documentaries about movies. So living with Chucky definitely brought me back to the genre, which is great. And then lastly, because I finished DS9 I got into What We Left Behind, which is the documentary. Looking back at it, that one's really good, especially if you love DS9. But it's also really interesting because they have not they're not only looking back and interviewing a lot of people, including Jeffrey Combs, as we know, who played like, six different parts and DS9, including the best Weyoun, but they have the writers come back and try to figure out okay, like you're in the writers room and they're going, alright, so we're coming back for another season. It's x amount years later, what are we starting off with? Alright, we're gonna start with this characters at this point within this in their career, we're doing this and it was like really cool. Just seeing like, a writers room work. And then it was really sad. Because when the day ended, and they're like, alright, that's episode one. And we're not making this. Okay, great. Seeing everybody. It was just like, I know, it was just an exercise, but like, I want that season.

Jacob Davidson:

We can dream, Jonathan, we can dream someday, you know. And on that note, and speaking of esteemed character actor Jeffrey Combs last night, being Jonathan, we're at a big revival screening of Stuart Gordon's Reanimator, in honor of the release of his new book,

Jonathan Correia:

which Stuart Gordon row right like it is like, Yeah,

Jacob Davidson:

well, yeah, I think yeah, I think he wrote it. It's his. It's a it's a memoir. Like I've got the book right here says A Memoir by Stuart Gordon. Shimkus. So yeah, I figured it was that and also has contributions, you know, like forward and afterward. So yeah, and I think it's a pretty much from him. I haven't had the chance to really start reading it yet.

Jonathan Correia:

I read a little bit because the with the screening, they had the book signing at like 530 but the movie didn't start till seven so I had a little bit of time to like start in between. But man, what a great screening that the Egyptian and air in American cinema Tech with dark delicacies did because

Jacob Davidson:

and beyond Fest

Jonathan Correia:

and beyond fest there was a lot of people involved, which is understandable because it wasn't just Jeffrey Combs there to sign it because he did the special but Barbara Crampton was there to sign it and then they had it pre signed by Mick Garis. Stuart Gordon's wife, the screenwriter, like

Jacob Davidson:

Dennis Paoli,

Jonathan Correia:

Dennis Paoli, so like, when you got the book, there was already like three or four signatures in there. And then Barbara and Jeffrey did and then after, and then the 35 print was beat up, but it was still awesome.

Jacob Davidson:

And it was uncut.

Jonathan Correia:

And it was the uncut version. And then afterwards, they brought out Brian Yuzna. Barbara and Jeffrey and then

Jacob Davidson:

Dennis Paoli.

Jonathan Correia:

I am, it's early. And they did a really nice q&a, which went really well. Although God dammit Why did that, the guy open it up to the audience to to ask questions. He's like, let's all be nice and like not, you know, say anything stupid. And of course the guy who's free feverishly raising his hand goes, come on, we have to talk about the head scene. And it's like, bud no, no, we don't.

Jacob Davidson:

That was awkward.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah. You don't think that these people are kind of sick of talking about it? And Barbara handled that question, man. Oh, yeah, magnificently. She's cool. What is she coming out with a memoir? Because she suddenly dropped that she grew up with in the carnivals. Yeah, during the q&a, like, where's that memoir?

Jacob Davidson:

I'd read it. I'd

Jonathan Correia:

read the shit out of it.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah. And I stuck around afterward. I made a double feature that night by watching the 1981 animated classic Heavy Metal. Which animal? Yeah, you know what I'm about. And let me just say that restaurant it must have been a new restoration for something because I have never seen heavy metal look or sound as amazing as it did blasted from the high tech sound system of the Egyptian theater. It was an experience.

Jonathan Correia:

I must be the new 4k restoration because they just put that out last year. Oh shit.

Jacob Davidson:

I didn't know that. So yeah, it was probably the 4K because it was mind blowing. And you know, just being able to hear like Sammy Hagar, Blue Oyster Cult, and Black Sabbath and stuff at

James Jay Edwards:

Cheap Trick

Jacob Davidson:

of audio quality.

James Jay Edwards:

And cheap trick.

Jacob Davidson:

Oh, yeah. Cheap Trick. Well, I mean, there's too many to count

James Jay Edwards:


Jacob Davidson:

Devo. It's a big list man.

James Jay Edwards:

Classic soundtrack.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah. Oh, yeah. No and amazing soundtrack. And, and Canada's finest, including John Candy Eugene Levy, Harold Ramis, Ivan Reitman.

Jonathan Correia:

Was it a Canadian production? Like,

Jacob Davidson:

I believe it was or wasn't it like nirvana or like a Canadian animated company? I

Jonathan Correia:

don't know. But like, let's see if those names I'm like, it's either Canadian production or someone was really into SCTV which a lot of people are, you know, so um, yeah,

Jacob Davidson:

well I mean SCTV rules,

James Jay Edwards:

but if it was a Canadian production wouldn't Bryan Adams had been on the soundtrack?

Jacob Davidson:

I don't know.

Jonathan Correia:

Wait, is Rush not on the soundtrack? No,

Jacob Davidson:

I don't think they are damn offended by that.

Jonathan Correia:

I'm offended. But know that that the 4K set that they put out last year is really dope and they did a limited steelbook that had the 4k of Heavy Metal and then included blu ray for Heavy Metal 2000 which is also still a lot of fun.

Jacob Davidson:

I mean, it does have Michael Ironside. Yeah.

Jonathan Correia:

But just always awesome.

Jacob Davidson:

True true he does elevate any Canok-exploitation movies and

Jonathan Correia:

oh man Starship Troopers when he comes back and he goes from like the nice recruiter to just being like the fuck are you doing? Oh, so good.

Jacob Davidson:

And I just rewatched Hello, Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 where he's the crusty principle that I need to stop this problem. Yeah, no, just He is great in everything really

James Jay Edwards:

I also kind of did some documentary binging, you know, with with my COVID brain. And one of the things that I watched, which, I swear I had seen it before, but I don't remember any of it. So I don't think I did. Chariots of the Gods from from the 70s. Have you guys seen that? Oh,

Jacob Davidson:

I've seen clips. Basically, it

James Jay Edwards:

basically talks about how it its thesis is that early humans ate it. I like it, the Egyptians and the Mayans. And all were visited by UFOs. And it's kind of it's real exploitative. It's like, you know, Leonard Nimoy's In Search Of kind of a thing is from 1970. So yeah, you know, it has that whole big foot Bermuda Triangle vibe. But it's, it was it's kind of fun.

Jacob Davidson:

And it reminds and I always figured that quote from The Thing. Remember, we're Palmer's like, Chariots of the Gods, man. The aliens basically, own South America.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah. The thing is, is that Chariots of the God is like, fun as a think piece. You know, I was like, what if you know, and then Ancient Aliens just like drove it into the fucking ground. Yeah, basically, the entire thesis of like, aliens visiting. Early man is, yeah, we don't believe that these people could have done that. We don't. We don't believe that, that that knowledge that the these people had, could have been lost to time. And so it has to be aliens, because there's no way that these can do it. And it's typically white people doing it towards other cultures. So it comes off very gross. But there are some interesting things like Why does every culture have dragons? And it's like, well, it's possible that they thought UFOs were dragons because they didn't understand, you know, vehicles like that. And it's like, that's a fun thought. can't prove it. But it's a fun thought. You know,

Jacob Davidson:

it makes sense to me. But yeah, I mean, I completely agree that yeah, there's this this point, it's yeah, it's got it is kind of offensive. Just to say that, like every major ancient civilization had aid from aliens, because nobody says that about the Europeans. Like nobody thinks, like, the Roman Empire at help from aliens.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, I just hit that episode of Voyager. And I was like, Tattoo. Yeah, that second season is a bit rough in it?

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, I haven't. I haven't watched a lot of Voyager. Um, I don't another note, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention with recapping January that January was of course January Giallo. So I watched a lot of Italian horror movies last month.

Jonathan Correia:

What was your favorite?

Jacob Davidson:

Oh, that's that is a tough one. But I was at the Sergio Martino double feature at the Egyptian so that was pretty fun. They did Torso and The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh and both very solid Giallos and both integral to the DNA of the sub genre and also the building blocks of what would eventually become the slasher movie. Particularly Torso. Yeah, and and also Sergio Martina was great. Like they actually he actually flew in from Italy. And it was funny because he was blown away that you know, just like the these kind of genre movies that he did that at the time were kind of seen as sleazy or below art where now so beloved, so he said something to the effect of, well, it looks like in the end, I won. And he did. I love that. Yeah. Yeah, no, yeah, no, there was some solid screenings last month and just some stuff I've watched on my own outside of that, like, probably the wildest one I saw was more kind of Giallo influenced, but it was this. Speaking of Canuk-exploitation, this Canadian kind of Giallo and Flynn's movie called Stone Cold Dead. with Richard Crenna and Phantom of the Paradise's Paul Williams, where it's like about a black gloves sniper who Snipes and takes photographs of prostitutes that they shoot. And Paul Williams plays a crime boss and pimp name, Julius Kane. Or sorry Julius Kurtz.

Jonathan Correia:

I need to seek this movie out. What's it called again?

Jacob Davidson:

Stone Cold Dead stone it's on Tubi.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, you know, I definitely need to watch that.

Jacob Davidson:

Ya know, it's a lot of fun. And yeah, it is kind of funny because there are a couple of either Canadian set or just kind of Canadian shot Giallo movies that I've noticed over the years you know, just whenever you know you want to shoot North America and you want to go north? Yeah,

Jonathan Correia:

you want to cheaper Detroit go to Vancouver.

James Jay Edwards:

Well enough catch up. Let's move on to our topic which is to start the year we're going to talk about what we are excited about for this year. Which is not Night Swim.

Jonathan Correia:

Well that already came out I can't say Mean Girls like I do want to see Mean Girls but it's already out so I can't meet meet

James Jay Edwards:

girls is a lot of fun Mean Girls at school but anyway What are you guys excited about that's coming out this year. Horror wise.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, it's funny because you know just a lot of this stuff you know, we just kind of hear about or you know, have very small previews for but I have to say in terms of marketing hooking me in Oz Perkins Longlegs, has now become probably my most anticipated horror movie of the year because good god that marketing campaign was terrifying. I wanted

James Jay Edwards:

to talk about the marketing campaign for Longlegs because I don't know anything about the movie except basically not even I haven't even watched the trailer but just from the posters and also the promotion emails are sending back keep quoting Bang a Gong it's like dressed and back don't look back and I love you you know in I'm like, Dude, this is like creepy. I don't know anything about the movie, but it's not Oh, and

Jonathan Correia:

the teasers give nothing. They like even the first few teasers they did, they didn't even give the fucking name of it. You just put gibberish up there. It was great. And I think they finally they were like, Okay, so the movie is called Daddy loves or it's called Longlegs. And it's got Nicolas Cage and fuck, what's your name from Tt Follows?

James Jay Edwards:

might come in row.

Jonathan Correia:

Michael Murray. Yeah. And it has got these two people in it. Anything else? I was Perkins road directed it. Okay, what else? You don't need anything else, Just look at these creepy images. I love that. Yeah, I know that. I'm very I have no idea what the fuck that is. I've watched every trailer and I still have no idea and I'm Yeah, so pumped. Did you guys hear about Stop Motion? I just found out about oh, yeah, I

Jacob Davidson:

saw the the clips on that it it looks very interesting.

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, I'm I'm always stoked for a new stop motion animation project. And so you got me hooked with stop motion horror movie. So I'm in. That's all I need. For that to be my anticipated.

James Jay Edwards:

I think one of my most anticipated is The Stranger's movies that they're that they're doing. I guess the I guess chapter one is coming out this year, but oh, yeah, I'm looking totally forward to those what you you

Jonathan Correia:

I'm I'm just skeptical. I mean, love Renny Harlin, you know, early Renny Harlin, Brandy Ireland, as you know, kind of put out a decent thing in a while I then I guess, I'm just always skeptical when it's like, we're doing this really cheap, but we're doing three of them at once that that that's for me, it's like

James Jay Edwards:

you'd like for your street though.

Jonathan Correia:

I do love for your street, but like, I know that for your street got a budget. You know what I mean? I got the budget for it. I don't know. I guess I'm skeptical. You know, like I like I hope it's good. Don't get me wrong. I'm not rooting against anybody ever, you know. And, but I am reserved like I'm trying to not get hyped for that. Because I don't want to I don't want to be hurt. That's all. Fair enough.

Jacob Davidson:

I'm also in terms of original horror this year. I'm very excited for Tarot, which I hadn't even heard about but I saw the trailer recently and it has all the monsters designed by a Trevor Henderson The horror artists behind you know, kind of online cryptids like siren head. So I think it's an interesting twist on that kind of motif and it's kind of like a neon maniacs thing where I just feel like they're just going to cram as many monsters into as possible. So you know, I can get behind that.

Jonathan Correia:

That sounds awesome. Ah, Um I'm big on Sci Fi right now so I gotta say like a lot of my anticipated are sci fi is obviously Dune Part 2 like come on. Who isn't even more hyped after they after the internet went crazy over that popcorn bucket that everyone wants to fuck, Dune part two looks awesome and then for for other sci fi Monkey Man Where the fuck did that come from? Oh

Jacob Davidson:

yes. Although I don't think anything is really sci fi but I mean it's an awesome looking action movie.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah I well I guess I guess it's action would maybe a little fantasy. I don't know. But Dev Patel just came out of nowhere. It was like yeah I directed and starred in a movie that's like, you know, John Wick as fuck, and it's like, Alright, I'm here for it. Yeah. Let's do it. Apparently, like universal and Jordan Peele bought it so that wouldn't go straight to Netflix.

Jacob Davidson:

Oh, yeah.

Jonathan Correia:

Praise praise them man. Like that's awesome. I love it. I love hearing when places go. No, no, no, this needs to be seen theatrically and saves a project like that. That's awesome. Opposite of what's happening to Roadhouse. Which I'm gonna give a chance. I'm I'm not going to I'm always excited for more Roadhouse. Everyone knows that. I'm hesitant because of the MMA thing. But you know what, I'm gonna go and open minded. But if Conor McGregor does not say I used to fuck guys like you in prison, that's a disappointment. I'll understand if they don't I won't be upset. I'm just saying. You lost an opportunity to say the greatest thing ever.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, that is definitely an old timer action movie line. Also very excited for the new radio silent joint. Abigail, where it's one of my favorites, kind of a crime horror combo where it's about a bunch of kidnappers, including American sweetheart, Dan Stevens, and also America's sweetheart, Melissa Barrera, kidnapping young girl who's a ballerina and holding them for ransom. But the twist is, turns out she's a fucking vampire. So they're in some trouble.

Jonathan Correia:

Wait, did we adopt Dan Stevens? I thought he was British. Good,

Jacob Davidson:

kind of. I mean, look, he's been enough American movies where he could be America's sweetheart.

Jonathan Correia:

did or did. Yeah. Or is he just really good at a British accent? I don't know. I mean, we all know I have a huge crush on Dan Steven. So yeah. Which he's also going to be in my other most anticipated film. Kong, Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire! The boys are back in town! Come on!

Jacob Davidson:

The boys are certainly back in town with Dan Stevens.

James Jay Edwards:

We're also getting the long awaited. Follow up to Saint Maud from Rose Glass. We're getting Love Lies Bleeding.

Jonathan Correia:


James Jay Edwards:

I know, I cannot wait. I cannot wait to see what she does. Oh, my that's and also we're getting MaXXXine.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, fair.

James Jay Edwards:

The Tyler Goff Yeah. So

Jonathan Correia:

we're getting Furiosa Yeah, you

James Jay Edwards:

know what? There's a lot of franchise movies coming out because we're also getting a new Saw movie. We're getting a new dad. We're getting a new Alien movie.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, new Silent Hill movie.

James Jay Edwards:

We're getting a new Smile. A sequel to Smile, but also, we're getting The First Omen

Jonathan Correia:

I didn't hate that trailer, I didn't hate that trailer. I didn't hate hat trailer. Listen, listen, I'll

Jacob Davidson:

give it a chance.

Jonathan Correia:

Y'all know me. You know, I'm a huge Omen Stan, I watch those movies constantly. And my criteria is as long as it's better than the fourth Omen movie. I'm happy. Mostly because that is a very low bar. That's a very very low bar

James Jay Edwards:

after Exorcist: Believer. I'm kind of skeptical about The First Omen but I'm gonna watch it.

Jonathan Correia:

I know honestly, like if you do watch the trailer. I know you're not a trailer guy Jay but that trailer gives nothing away, which I really appreciate. But it also has me going out. It was a really good trailer that I gave away nothing. Is it because there's nothing to see. But I you know, I'm stoked. I mean, it's New Omen. I can't be I can't be mad at that again. As long as it's better than the fourth on that fourth one. For it was made for TV. It's, it's, uh, we don't need to go to that. But I mean, come on. I love the third Omen movie that ends with a fucking Bible quote, come on. It ends with two bible quotes actually, now that I'm thinking about it right? Like, damn. I thought we were gonna get like a boxing match between the AntiChrist and Jesus. And instead we get just like a glowing light and fucking Bible. I love Final Conflict. I'm sounding like I'm bitching about it, but I love that movie.

Jacob Davidson:

I mean, Sam Neill, man, Sam Neill, a

James Jay Edwards:

boxing match like like South Park, a boxing match in Jesus and Satan and then taking bets bets on himself to lose

Jonathan Correia:

Oh my god, but like, That movie is just so good. Sam Neil just like chewing the scenes with the statue of Jesus getting whipped. Going. I'm coming for you Nazerine like come on. Yeah. Anyways,

James Jay Edwards:

we're also getting A Quiet Place: Day One. This oh yeah, this is gonna be a pretty good a good year I think for franchise movies. Oh,

Jonathan Correia:

speaking of franchise, let's not forget Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.

James Jay Edwards:

Yeah, yeah. The Planet Of The Apes. Yes.

Jonathan Correia:

Finally fucking finally we're getting it. So I'm hype

James Jay Edwards:

is Nosferatu this year to yes it is. I think it's like, like Christmas. It's

Jacob Davidson:

towards Dad's coming out Debbie at the end of the year. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, that's exciting. But still a lot of great original movies coming out this year to like Jane Shope Berg Schoenbrunn who did I? We're all going to the World's Fair. Her new movies coming out this year, I Saw the TV Glow. I've been hearing a lot of great stuff about it out of Sundance, and I loved We're All Going to the World's Fair, so I'm hyped as elf. Hell

Jonathan Correia:


Jacob Davidson:

It's got Fred Durst.

James Jay Edwards:

You had me until you said Fred Durst. Actually, I don't mind Fred Durst as a filmmaker or as and it's kind of like Marky Mark. I don't mind him as an actor. Anything that keeps him from doing music. I'll support.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, well, I mean, I don't know exactly what role he has it. It just says he's got a supporting role, though. Justice Smith and Bridget Lundy Payne are the two leads for the movie but either way again, I'm just very high poor. Yeah,

Jonathan Correia:

she's she's one of those filmmakers where like, just right off the bat. I'm like, I'll watch anything they put out. Like her Rose Glass, especially like I'm so pumped to see their sophomore pics. Actually go back to Rose Glass's new movie like come on. Chris. Kristen Stewart falling in love with a muscle mommy in a thriller?

Jacob Davidson:

And Ed Harris's her evil crime boss dad with a mullet?

Jonathan Correia:

mullet? It's like, why are you checking off all the boxes? For me Man?

James Jay Edwards:

I am so impressed with the projects that both Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have chosen in their post Twilight eras. Yes. You know, because because they could have completely fallen into that little, you know, teen star kind of thing, you know, and but they're not they're choosing these great indie projects. And honestly, they're not going out of the park. But yeah, I mean, I don't know that I've seen a bad performance from either of them.

Jonathan Correia:

It's, it's great, because it really highlights how much they weren't that type of actor, you know, they and looking back at the I still haven't watched Twilight movies, I'm all set. But like just seeing like, the clips and stuff that I have seen. It's like these two are awkward as shit. Like, they should not be leading a major franchise that looked like it was a bit much for them. Just like in not wanting what they want to do. So them being able to like, kind of stretch out and play all these really weird and complex and interesting characters is beautiful to see. So yeah, I'm here for them. What about going back to genre because we stepped away a little bit. Let's not forget Imaginary, which looks like a hell of a good time.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, it looks like it might be fun. Yeah,

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, it's one of those ones where I'm like, I get the concept. But I'm interested in the execution. I was with that with M3gan too where it's like, I'm here for it. But like, let's see how you execute. And I loved M3gan. So like, I'm ready to be, you know, pushed either way. And then what about Alex Garland Civil War? Um,

Jacob Davidson:

I'm interested because it's very timely.

James Jay Edwards:

I'm very interested in that because well, first of all, it's Alex Garland.

Jacob Davidson:

Yeah, yeah.

James Jay Edwards:

But yeah, that I think he's gonna make some statements with that. Oh,

Jacob Davidson:

yeah. I mean, so I do like how he cast Nick Offerman as the president.

Jonathan Correia:

I mean, he's got my vote. I've read his if you ever read his books, there are a lot of fun and like, Yeah, I'd get my vote. But I mean, if only to have Meghan Mulaney as the first lady like she would kill it.

Jacob Davidson:

Well, in terms of upcoming releases also excited for Lisa Frankenstein coming out in a in like, week or two. Yeah, that's coming next week. Next week. Yeah, it's next week.

Jonathan Correia:

Hmm. So it'll be it'll be out when this episode comes out.

Jacob Davidson:

Yes, it will. And but I've been hyped. I've been really excited for it. And it's really cool that a you know, Diablo Cody is back in the genre and even put in the marketing from the writer of Jennifer's Body. Yeah. And Zelda Williams directed it to Yep, directed by Zelda Williams.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, what she's done a few shorts and stuff. So I'm excited to see what she does. You know, she's always been very outspoken and very out there. So like, I'm very stoked about that. Yeah, yeah.

Jacob Davidson:

Between this and Poor Things. It's just been a real revival of Franken. Steinen Oh,

Jonathan Correia:

dude, we're getting so many good like, Classic Monsters stuff after there's a Wolf Man movie coming out later this year apparently, I would

James Jay Edwards:

a million times rather see a fresh take on Frankenstein like Poor Things or at least a Frankenstein or a remake of like Nosferatu like that's coming out. Then just another tired zombie movie.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah. You know that. I

James Jay Edwards:

mean, seriously. I mean, maybe it's because Frankenstein or the Invisible Man, those are more intriguing monsters to me. But yeah, I mean, I've had zombie fatigue for decades. I feel like

Jonathan Correia:

well, that the exception being that 28 It wasn't 28

James Jay Edwards:

years, eight months later, or is it years? Yeah, they

Jonathan Correia:

took too long months. They took too long.

Jacob Davidson:

20-28 years later, but

Jonathan Correia:

apparently Cillian Murphy is coming back or at least producing it. So like it's ramping up hard now. So I'm like, Alright, yeah, if you get all the boys back, you know, boys are back.

Jacob Davidson:

Now. Boyle and Alex Garland. They're back on it. Boys are back

Jonathan Correia:

in town. I'm gonna go for it. You know why not? Yeah, I do feel you it's it is hard to get hyped on a zombie movie these days. But I mean, I'm here for all these, you know? reimaginings I mean, just I just want to take a moment to reflect how awesome it was at Universal put out two Dracula movies last year like fucking Yeah. And then we're getting a Daughter of Dracula movie with Abigail this year. Like I'm loving this investment in Dracula and a nose for our to remake. Come on. That's pretty dope. That's pretty dope.

Jacob Davidson:

Up to our necks in Draculas.

Jonathan Correia:

Yeah, don't get bit ehehehe

Jacob Davidson:

I couldn't resist.

James Jay Edwards:

Alright, cool. Let's, let's, let's get out of here. So what are you looking forward to? That's coming up? Did we miss anything? We probably did. Because there does seem to be a lot. And there's also a lot of a lot of stuff that seems fluid. Like there's supposedly a new Jordan Peele movie. But no one knows anything about it. You know. So, I mean, I'm always there for Jordan Peele. So whatever it is, I'll be there when, whenever it is. So let us know what your favorites are, or what you're looking forward to most. And maybe we'll talk about them later if it's something that we egregious ly forgot. So, with that our theme song is by Restless Spirits. So go check them out. And our artwork is by Chris Fisher. So go check him out. You can find us on all of the socials under @EyeOnHorror or at iHorror.com which is the website we call home. And yeah, we will call this one an episode and we will see you in a couple of weeks. So for me James Jay Edwards.

Jacob Davidson:

I'm Jacob Davison,

Jonathan Correia:

I'm Jonathan Correia.

James Jay Edwards:

Keep your Eye On Horror.

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